Anyone else never been clubbing before?

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25 Jul 2016, 9:12 am
CLUBBING: "A favourite activity of the moronic majority, this involves being shunted like cattle into a converted warehouse... sadly not to be slaughtered, but to wear ridiculous trendy clothes, listen to crap eardrum-shattering music, try to pick up brainless members of the opposite sex, and generally stand around aimlessly in a desperate but pointless attempt to show how cool you are."

I was going on that definition when I posted my denial before. I have to admit I did do a couple of "pub crawls" with a few male friends in my youth though. We went round a few public bars getting as drunk as possible. We'd just discovered alcohol and we thought it was clever. For me, the novelty wore off pretty quickly and I soon moved on to healthier hobbies. I think if there hadn't been such a taboo on under-age drinking, I'd not have bothered. It was seen as a mark of being grown up :roll: like smoking cigarettes.


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25 Jul 2016, 9:23 am

I went a few times when I was young and had two female friends who went/wanted to go. I was trying to fit in and "be like everyone else," and in that mission I was willing to give anything a try. But I didn't like it much and haven't been since. I don't like noise and crowds but when I was younger I constantly tried to push against my own preferences, with mixed results. I don't do that anymore.

For a period of my life I did of necessity have to be out at night in smaller venues, like small bars, very small clubs and coffeehouses because I used to be involved in music, but I wasn't there as a customer/imbiber. I also didn't even like that and so gave it up and don't want to do it again. I just don't like being out at night at all, really.

I know it's no comfort to you but I'll say it anyway -- in my opinion you're not missing out on anything! It's not very enjoyable, to me personally anyway.

You might want to try it once just to see for yourself if you might have fun or not, but generally I never had much fun and it felt like a hollow experience I wouldn't care if I'd never done.


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25 Jul 2016, 9:32 am

I went to bars a couple times before, had a great time! I would never go to a place where I am expected to dance though, only places where I sit down or stand.

I want to apologize to the entire forum. I have been a terrible person, very harsh and critical.
I still hold many of my views, but I will tone down my anger and stop being so bigoted and judgmental. I can't possibly know how you see things and will stop thinking I know everything you all think.


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25 Jul 2016, 10:06 am

Yeah, did that stuff when I was 19-21ish. Wasn't particularly enjoyable. Would not go again. But I don't regret going. Well, maybe the binge drinking aspect of it :P


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25 Jul 2016, 1:39 pm

Of course not! Why in the world I want to do such a horrible thing to cute little seals? 8O


Okay, joking aside, I could care less about clubbing as it is everything I personally cannot STAND, and if other other people think that's weird, it's their problem, not mine, get over it.

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25 Jul 2016, 2:53 pm

I've been 3 times. I didn't really enjoy any of them, and twice was just horrible, but I'm glad I did it. If you're unsure, give it a go, just be prepared for the consequences of being surrounded by people, loud noises, and flashing lights!!

Emu Egg
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25 Jul 2016, 5:53 pm

I'm 23, been clubbing plenty of times. Been to a few music festivals too. But I happen to love loud music and dancing, sooo... sometimes the people get a bit overwhelming if it's really crowded, or if people are trying to talk to me and I can't hear over the music - I often take frequent breaks to sit outside or in a more quiet place if I want to relax or chat with people.

If clubbing's not your thing then that's fine, and there's no reason you should push yourself, but all the responses I've seen here so far have been "I don't go to clubs either" so I thought I would give a different perspective. I'm one of those people that quite enjoys immersing myself in loud, exciting situations, but only for short periods of time, and only really if I'm drunk.

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25 Jul 2016, 6:44 pm

Well for me its not much about the noise. If i know im going into a loud situation, im fine with it. I may need to get ouside and pace for awhile every now and then but its ok. its just that i dont understand the whole clubbing thing at all. I really like festivals, because its not about the whole social crap, its just about music and having a good time. And usually theres not only one type of people (The clubbers) at events like these, people are alot more diverse there except for the usual emberassing "I only got here to get drunk as f**k" people...



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25 Jul 2016, 6:55 pm

Actually I've heard a lecture supporting that notion. Apparently there's a lot more civilised behaviour in some of these events than is commonly thought. Codes of conduct, order, that kind of thing. If you pass out, you might very well be helped rather than trampled on or mugged.


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25 Jul 2016, 7:04 pm

I wouldn’t count on it, though. Much like I wouldn’t expect a dolphin to save me if I fell from a ship in the middle of the ocean.

The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.


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25 Jul 2016, 7:12 pm

I'm not into getting drunk, maybe that's why I wouldn't want to go clubbing. It does seem like more people in this thread have been clubbing at least once in their younger days. So clubbing must be likely among Aspies as well as NTs, except for the more low-functioning autistics of course. But I'm not a low-functioning autistic. I have such mild Asperger's, that sometimes I wonder if I even have it, or if I'm just an introverted and sensitive person with ADHD and just a few borderline ASD traits.

The reason why I hate the idea of clubbing is because I don't like drinking, I don't like dancing, and I am not outgoing enough to be able to enjoy it sobar, and I just don't like the atmosphere of it all.

But, despite all that...I still feel ashamed that I feel that way. Trust me to be so different. :roll:



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25 Jul 2016, 7:32 pm

Sounds like the attitude I had to big parties and discos when I was in my 20s. I hated them but I felt there must be something weak about me that I could somehow put right. It was the same with the extravert thing, I didn't want to see myself as a shy little wallflower. I kind of satisfied that need when I found myself having a good time at one or two hippie gatherings, though it went to my head a bit and I thought I could go to any big event and keep my head above water. I found out the hard way that I couldn't. Certain parameters have to be right or it just doesn't work. As I grew older I was more able to accept myself for who I was, and I don't worry about it any more.


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25 Jul 2016, 7:49 pm

I don't like loud music. I don't drink.

But I like to "boogie" sometimes to "boogie-able" songs.


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25 Jul 2016, 8:11 pm

Never been. The crowds, the loud music, the strobe lights, the drunk people- sounds awful.

When I was in my late teens/early 20s, I used to be ashamed that I didn't go to Prom, didn't have a date every (or any) weekend, and didn't go to bars or parties very often. I was judging myself largely by what I saw on TV. Eventually, I decided not to care about what other people did, and just do what worked for me. And I was happier for it. I did laundry on Friday/Saturday night, or even went into work, without worrying about what people might think. And eventually found out that "normal" people's lives were a lot more boring than it seemed on TV.


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25 Jul 2016, 8:17 pm

Nightclubs aren't my thing. I'd rather just chill at a good bar with some good friends. You know, just talk about whatever comes to mind over some beer and maybe some nice, greasy food. Possibly play some pool. That's a fine way to spend a night.

Yes, I have autism. No, it isn't "part of me". Yes, I hate my autism. No, I don't hate myself.


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25 Jul 2016, 9:12 pm

If you able to do the above, your autism isn't really that bad, and would be very amenable to conservative "treatments" involving the use of your cognition, rather than the potentially "snake oil" ones which you are seeking.

I like that situation, too, minus the beer. I like playing pool, but sort of "asocially." I tend to just concentrate on hitting my shot, rather than socializing with someone (I'm not good, by the way).