Not the biggest but one I wish to share:
It made me go mad from the revelations I have uncovered. Learning about brains, observing neurotypical society, and many other things have made me greatly disturbed inside. The fact so much of our lives is tied into physical brain differences, the fact due to my aspergers I think in a very non-fluid way seeing things in a very materialistic manner noticing the cause and effect behind actions and so forth awakening the Thomas Hobbes in me, I see paradoxes in actions everywhere and instead of ignoring them become disturbed at not being able to correlate it properly, my dabbling into information on the brain has made me question the existence of free will, our emotions are just chemical reactions that can be affected by our enviroment, and a bunch of other things neurotypical people have the option of freely ignoring due to their heavy reliance on their subconcious to take care of their actions and ability to see the bigger picture letting them ignore the fine disturbing details. (But some have the option to observe the details if they wish, we are forced into it)
I want to apologize to the entire forum. I have been a terrible person, very harsh and critical.
I still hold many of my views, but I will tone down my anger and stop being so bigoted and judgmental. I can't possibly know how you see things and will stop thinking I know everything you all think.