All of the above but not all at the same time and certainly ranges from day to day, i'll describe a typical week as follows and also I would be speaking from personal experience of working in an office - as short as possible:
First and second days at work is something to be anxious about after a weekend of relaxation. Late night from weekend means bad sleep or interrupted sleep and wake up with anxiety (1) (8), feeling of being rushed to get to work with only a small snack for breakfast, energy levels low and tired to do work in early hours, as day goes on 'office' is busy and takes its toll on my senses (7).
My 6 hour sleep improves to 10 hours and see myself improving my workload but then my intelligence gets in the way of the work, i may be intelligent for the job but i still fall at the basic hurdles, e.g. not 'getting' how office politics work, how to hold a conversation (4) (6). Being in the office environment had been taxing on my sensory integration, and had to take a breather by asking to go to the toilet but had to do so once per hour to not arouse suspicion, never told any staff.
On the weekend we do our weekly shopping for food and other necessities, where 1 in 4 weeks on average I put on a blank face and don't talk for a while for no reason, maybe down to depression or not looking forward to the future who knows (3).
Day-to-day at home, I see things others don't like dirty plates or utensils that other people insist are clean so I have to clean until not a spot is seen (5).
1 out of 7 days I would be overwhelmed by depression, a feeling of hopelessness, a realisation of leading a pointless life, made only worse by not finding employment and given no help to find it when I am fully capable of working (2).
(1) Anxiety
(2) Depression
(3) Bipolar
(4) ADD
(5) OCD
(6) AS (an umbrella term really which should include most of these)
(7) Sensory integration
(8) Sleep issues (sleep apnea, insomnia)
(9) Other = Diabetes, (symptomatic but not proven) IBS, one or the other may impact my weight or impact me in a variety of ways.
These things are very real, but my doctor hasn't personally seen it nor do I have anyone to trust to help.