Danielismyname wrote:
I was never aware that my mind state and how I acted was any different to my peers; when I never spoke, when I never understood their derision, when I could never learn anything due to the social environment that mainstream schooling is; until a month or two ago…I “awoke” to some extent. I’m still deciding if it was better to wake up or not.
I assumed that I was different, yes…but not to the extent I now see I was; I mean, I didn’t speak and interact how everyone else did; I bounced a ball around and threw it in hoops like everyone else, the same as everyone else; my motor skills are normal…. Words don’t make a good basketball player. I couldn't understand why I was different until I read some words that were written by psychics and psychos after I started deducing stuff my psychic was telling and asking me....
How would you happen to know that I've never had an IQ of =<70, or over >150; I've had both.
Yes, generally...objectively we are socially ret*d: the extent of which equates to how well you can function in modern society.
Your right. I can't speak for everyone but everyone seems to be speaking for themselves just fine which is more than the ret*d can do. You didn't understand the differences but you understood they existed. And you didn't begin understand your condition till you read about it. None of which the ret*d generally do.... I assume (that's all I can do because I am not)
Social anxiety does not make you ret*d. Thinking differently does not make you ret*d. Having nothing in commen with others does not make you ret*d. It's a shame that it can effect the lives of aspies so much but it's certainly not a good reason to think less of yourself. And I've got a Big Ol' f**k You to the ass backwardness of modern society. If modern society made any sense you wouldn't even be in the position to consider this on yourself.
ret*d in it's most general unoffensive definition possible, sure, but everyone else is just as ret*d because they can't relate to us either. Same difference.
And I hate the fact that I keep on using the word ret*d. I hate the word just as much as fag.