What Smells Do You Like and Dislike?
Most foods (especially soups and cookies)
Bath and Body Works Cherry Blossom lotion
Rubbing Alcohol
Anything you would find in a bathroom
"Have you never seen something so mad, so extraordinary... That just for one second, you think that there might be more out there?" -Gwen Cooper, Torchwood
I like things that smell like food. Chemicals, cleaners, perfumes, and some flowers make me gag and run away.
Writing is therapy, and unfortunately I am not ready to come out of the “Autistic Closet” just yet. Hopefully something that I have to share might be helpful to you in your life.
With love,
Anonymously Autistic
Joined: 8 Jun 2013
Age: 63
Gender: Female
Posts: 4,501
Location: If not here, then where?
Oh, I forgot -- paper and books for me too!
Sniffing books is something I do almost as much as reading them, lol.
I want to add, further to my posting about how there is a specific perfume I love the smell of:
I never wear my perfume out in public, or outside of my home, because I myself can't stand it when other people are wearing strong perfumes and after shaves.
So I do other strangers the courtesy of not being one of those public perfume wearers myself.
I like to put my favorite one on at home when I know it's only me who is going to be smelling it.
Last edited by BirdInFlight on 07 Sep 2016, 10:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
I Love the smell of the inside of fresh bread and soft Philly pretzels. Huffed those since I was a child.
I love the smell of rain, especially thunderstorms.
In fact I love the smell of water when is cascades, crashes, falls, whatever. I know that does something with the ionization, but I don't remember what.
Freshly-brewed coffee, until it gets cold
I hate the smell of dryer sheets. I actually consider it more disgusting than dog poo (which, for the record, I don't like either).
Diesel fumes make me instantly nauseous
I hate the smell of most cosmetics and perfumes
My favorite scent is leather...sorry if this offends animal lovers and vegans...any good quality natural leather that has not been treated excessively with chemicals - sometimes leather boots smell like nail polish remover, yuck! - but really nice leather boots that smell like natural leather, or an Italian leather handbag or leather seats in a car. A new car smell with leather sears is just about the best scent in the world.
Oriental lilies have the best scent of any flowers...like stargazers or love story lilies...I can't help but to stick my nose all the way in the bloom and come back up with orange pollen all over my face. lol It is just heavenly.
I also love the scent of roses...true heirloom roses, not so much the newer ones, and rose scented soap (Dead Sea soap is my favorite)...and lavender is also wonderful, I wish my whole world could smell like lavender.
Lavender scented Odo-Ban is amazing...although I usually hate those strong chemical cleaners, this stuff smells amazingly natural and it does wonders to get rid of bad odors. I doused my sofa in it one day and for a few days the whole house smelled like lavender and it was fantastic.
For dislikes....cat piss and cat s**t are at the top of my list, only because I have so many opportunities to smell them, but dog s**t is even worse and chicken s**t is the absolute worst of all.
The way chicken house workers smell, wow, I respect them for what they do, but couldn't they maybe wear a jumpsuit and take it OFF before they go out in public smelling like that? Are chicken house employers just too cheap to provide them with something to protect their clothes, or to give them a place to shower?
There are so many foods I can't stand the smell of...too many to name...and sometimes it's not the food per se but the environment it is being cooked in. I mean I love to smell chicken frying - at home - but in some restaurants it just smells nasty, like it's bad quality chicken and the oil is bad too...especially in a gas station where it mixes with the smell of old dust, a moldy HVAC, incense, and sometimes per above, chicken s**t that has been tracked in on the floor. GROSS!
I also hate the smell of a place that serves hot dogs or sub sandwiches where there is a strong onion smell...or smelling it on someone's clothes after they ate there.
I have a special hatred of corned beef hash...the look of it is disgusting enough but the smell just gags me.
I hate the way it smells in a store when they've just mopped the floor...and you can tell the mop must be so old that it's not worth using anymore because it both smells and looks like they just added more dirt to the floor instead of cleaning anything...and they just layered an obnoxious chemical scent on top of the crud smell.
The scent of baby wipes mixed with dirty diapers...and same when people spray tons of air fresheners to cover what they did in the bathroom...uh you're not fooling anybody by mixing it with a fake floral scent. lol
Air fresheners in general...or anything else that comes out of an aerosol can like hair spray or bug spray or tub cleaner. I have never smelled anything good come out of an aerosol can and the stuff hurts my lungs. Those cans should be banned.
Any product from Bath and Body Works, or worse going inside the store...or any similar products or stores...this stuff just reeks and it hurts my lungs too, it makes me feel like I'm choking.
Any kind of perfume, cologne, or aftershave...or the perfume aisle in a store but at least I can get around that quickly enough...however having to sit next to someone wearing perfume for any length of time is just torture. It's not just that I don't like it...I can't breathe normally around perfume and it HURTS...really anyone who likes to wear perfume should think twice before they inflict this on other people.
The detergent aisle in the grocery store can be pretty bad too...I just try to hold my breath until I get by but I can still feel it irritating my lungs. Also that fake cinnamon scent that starts showing up in stores during the holiday season...I don't really like cinnamon anyway but that fake stuff is just horrible.
I also hate the way most cheeses smell...especially the "fancy" cheeses...or the cheese section around the deli in a grocery store with all the different ones mixing together, yuck!
And I really hate the smell of coffee, whether it's freshly made or just sitting in a package...the coffee section in Trader Joe's is the worst!
The smell of alcoholic beverages is nasty too...especially the way a person smells after they have been drinking. I don't guess anyone really likes the way alcohol smells but people drink it anyway...!? I just don't understand eating or drinking anything that doesn't smell good...especially knowing it is going to make your own body smell the same way!
Now I love candles when they have a natural scent...but SOY candles are pure evil...nothing makes me choke up worse! I can't even tell what they smell like because in no time I will be coughing up a lung...and just a few minutes around one will have me clawing at my neck for hours because it makes the inside of my lungs and throat feel so itchy. Soy is such a common allergen, I can't imagine why anyone thought soy candles would be a good idea.
Chocolate (except Hershey's)
Certain luxury confections
Coffee (particularly fresh ground)
Certain lush cosmetic products (but only after a short while)
Curry (particularly in Indian takeaways)
Glasgow subway (in most areas)
After Eight wrappers (mint chocolate)
Lindt Chocolate
Newly mown grass
Certain bakery rolls/products depending on the manufacturer (especially freshly baked)
Freshly washed clothes (depending on the fabric conditioner, BUT only in the short term as it can be VERY upsetting in the olfactory sense).
Real Leather
New Carpets (in shops)
Burnt logs
Hershey's Chocolate
Rancid food (especially fruit)
Diesel exhaust fumes (evil!)
Deep blue felt tip pens (while my favorite colour, the odor from them is so uncomfortable)
Nasal mucus
Hydrogen sulphide (e.g. black mangrove mud)
Vinegar (including any substances flavored or encapsulated: Beetroot, sweet and sour, vegetables, salads, prawn cocktail, tomato ketchup, mayonnaise - generally hyposensitive to McCoys crisps and non brewed condiment in deep fried chips from takeaways)
Ethanoic Acid (evil!)
Methane emitted from washing vases containing dead plants and putrefactive vegetation (again evil!)
Skunk spray
Any chemical malodorants (e.g. synthetics, cleaning solutions, sealants e.t.c)
Hair and Body sprays
Excessive body odours
Deodorants (so irritating)
Chlorine in water
Specific flowers
Perfumes, fragrances and colognes that are too overwhelming or nauseating
Strong candles (all of them are deplorable olfactory experiences)
Fabric conditioners (most in the long term due to unpleasantly sensitive olfactory experiences)
Dryer sheets
Iron from old, metals
Old money
Decaying flesh
Fresh excrement (not the fertilizers in the far distance)
Odours emitted from putrefactive bacteria
Smelly feet
Anyone who never washes (commonly found in video game stores)
Baked Beans
Left over eggs
Certain yogurts
Chicken cooking
Baby food
Alcoholic beverages (especially fermented wine)
Cigarette smoke and ash trays
Litter bins and landfill sites
Public toilets
Wet dog
Burnt plastic
Putrid food
Mixed scents that chemically accumulate to formulate anything nauseating
That hydrolyzed essence forming when my hands come into direct contact with bathroom equipment (particularly used toothbrushes and toothpaste - evil!)
It seems that I have a long lasting and preponderant aversion to everything, any possible rivals here perhaps?
Diagnosed with "Classical" Asperger's syndrome in 1998 (Clinical psychologist).
RAADS-R: 237/240
Aspie score: 199 out of 200
Neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 1 out of 200
Alexithymia Questionnaire: 166/185 AQ: 49/50 EQ: 9/80
Like: lavender, violet, plasticine, solder resin, ethanol, methylated spirits, fresh dilute tobacco smoke, unburnt tobacco, sandalwood, cannabis, jasmine, basil, vanilla, coffee, fennel, tomato stems, freshly-baked bread, most cooked food when I'm hungry, rain and wet garden soil, sea air, varnish, paint if not too strong, unrefined lanolin from sheep wool, boot polish, the laminated covers of new vinyl records.
Dislike: barbecue smoke, motor vehicle smoke, cooking jam, other people's faeces, stale urine, stale sweat, hospital wards, stale tobacco smoke, cigar smoke, artificial air freshener, hair-perming chemicals, burnt milk, bleach, mercaptoethanol, butyric acid.
I always pick up pieces of grass to touch and smell whenever I'm wandering outside, I always squeeze my shampoo bottles when they are exotic fragrances, artificial or not it still promotes feelings of isolated islands and unsettled motion, I like fuel for some reason, it's a really pungent and pronounced declaration whenever the aroma wafts along.
I am fine with most of natural smells (even some unpleasant ones) although I find it hard to say what smells I particularly like. Maybe the smell of fresh bread? Or pickled cucumbers? Sour cabbage? They are very nice. I like acidic smells.
But there are smells that I hate. Especially artificial smells such as air fresheners, perfume and cologne. Not to mention cigarettes, people who drink a lot of alcohol (even if they bathe they still stink ) and wet dogs.
I am also not found of the smell of coffee as well as sausages and I don't think smelling flowers is a fun thing to do but I can stand those smells if I have to. They are almost on the same level as urine or poop smell, just a little bit easier to stand.
I love fresh and clean smells, like linen, lemon, cedar, pine, lavender, grass, etc. I also really like the smell of new carpet!!
I absolutely despise the new car smell. It gives me a headache and makes me so nauseated and sick feeling. My SO recently fried something using lard and the smell of the lard was one of the worst things I've ever experienced. I also dislike the smell of incense and overly sweet perfumes or lotions.
Cooking of family and friends
Food in my favorite restaurants
Poop, especially people poop and that of large dogs. I'm pretty much used to cat poop, because they have litter boxes you can scoop and clean regularly.)
Urine (even worse than poop)
Body odor, especially if people smell as though they haven't washed for years
Strong cologne and perfume
Warm milk (it smells like barf)
Burnt smells, especially chemical smells
Cumin (smells like dirty feet)
Old drywall
I like the smell of my dog and... have you ever smelled your knees? ...like, even after a shower, they have their own scent. Mine smell like an almond/cashew oil blend... just thought I'd throw in something kinda 'weird' in this conversation since no one else is really going there. Also, I like peppermint, carnations, tea tree oil, Adidas for Men cologne (from a distance now, though, since I've developed sensitivity to synthetic fragrances)...
Hate the smell of smoked ham. Dislike cigarettes, too much garlic, fake cinnamon (synthetic), when someone's eating peanut butter or sunflower seeds in an enclosed space with me.