kraftiekortie wrote:
Congratulations on surviving it!
It must have been a great trauma at times for you and your family.
Thank you for your kind words.
Trauma to me sounds like something that happens acutely, something that strikes and then is gone. While that accurately depicts Katrina as a storm system, the eroding of New Orleans as a functioning society with care for its inhabitants, and the systematic environmental exploitation of the Louisiana coast has been a long-time building and has ruled over more than a third of my life. These problems are still present and will not be gone in the future unless we take more measures to change things.
kraftiekortie wrote:
I've heard that Tulane is a fine university. I'm glad you were able to go to another one, and proceed to the point where you're at now.
I didn't attend Tulane. I was never accepted as a high school senior, and didn't bother trying to transfer because it was too expensive. Tulane suffered less damage than my university and was back up and running much faster because they have more $$ and the campus is on higher land.