dcj123 wrote:
racheypie666 wrote:
dcj123 wrote:
I don't recommend meeting WP members.
Not disagreeing but why not? I don't think I could anyway, nobody's near me on here as far as I can see.
Well you have person A who doesn't communicate well meeting person B... who doesn't communicate well.
What do you think is going to happen?
It did not meet my expectation nor do I feel it met the exception of the person I met with.
For me it led to what possibly could have been disappointment on both sides.
I would say, your mileage may vary.
And yes, there will be disappointment along the way.
I've met various people from the Internet.
Some have been letdowns ... we've long since parted and went our separate ways.
One or two seemed too creepy or narcissistic to meet, so I deleted them from my social media
and never met them in person.
That said, one Internet friend went on to become my best friend in real life ...
eventually I lost her to heart disease ...
but I am so thankful I had the opportunity to have her as a friend.
There's one bunch whom I've recently met in person who are from the Internet ...
they want me to drive a long ways and go meet them again ...
I'm deciding whether or not that's a good idea.
I would say, life is filled with risks.
The main thing is,
make sure that whoever you meet,
that you meet them safely in a public place.