liveandrew wrote:
I actually dislike talking to anyone, even people I know, in public and don't like the feeling that strangers can hear our conversation.
As far as talking to strangers goes: I was recently at a conference and was chatting to a couple of my work colleagues. We had made the mistake of standing too near a business stand and someone walked over, introduced themselves and started talking to us. This completely threw me as I wasn't prepared and had no dialogue rehearsed. I went mute, let my colleagues handle it while I desperately wanted to run away to somewhere quiet.
In other words, I really don't like it at all and have no idea what to say:
Stranger: "Hi, I'm John Doe from Big company"
Me: "Hello"
Big long pause...
In the above example, I would have needed to know the person was going to walk over and I would also needed to have a few questions/answers lined up in my head. Surprise conversations just throw me off balance.
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Diagnosis Asperger's Syndrome back in 2005
also have Anxiety Disorder, OCD
Severe to Profound on my left ear and have cochlear implant on Right ear i'm Deaf