candleghost wrote:
dianthus wrote:
I'm 38 and still get mistaken for a college student and people don't believe me when I tell them my age.
One reason is because I've never spent a lot of time out in the sun - I'm pale and I sunburn easily, and sunlight gives me headaches. Another reason, probably like most others here, is I tend to have neutral or very subtle facial expressions...I have some eye wrinkles but no deep creases in my face.
Other than that, I guess there is something a little babyish about my face...and yeah people used to tell me I look innocent. People used to apologize to me if they said a swear word in front of me. lol
People used to apologize for swearing in front of me, too. Or, "I didn't know you swore!"
Those are two other good points; the lack of being in the sun due to over-stimulation as well as having a neutral facial expression. Those, I can relate to as well.
Haha, people apologise for swearing around me too! Actually that was what happened with my manager yesterday, he was bantering with some of my co-workers and he told me to cover my ears, since I'm "only a teenager"
. I've also had the "I didn't know you swore!" a few times too lol.
Lack of sun is coming up a lot here; I hate direct sunlight, too - it makes my skin crawl for some reason.