...As I have already posted , I found out to-day that the outfit which issues my card , which was supposed to send me the new card two weeks back ~ HAD NDONE NOTHING AT ALL , up through to-day ~ They had not issued me a new card at all !
I( don't wish to detail now the exuse they gave , I was told that , ALLEGEDLY , they would send a new one now , told this to-day after I went to the SS office___
BUT I NEED NEW CLOTHES , GLASSES , SHOES , A BELT , ETC. NOW ! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !
I will not go into a shelter until I get at least some immediate cash , to be able to fix myself up and root myself (relatively) comfortably , not have just one set of ever-dirtier clothes - I need money to do that !
At this point , well , no-one has offered me a ride+ , all that I am asking for to help me with an initial trip to CCSF in a ride and a shoulder , essentially
~ But no one has offered me that - but I need it
IF I can get links proving the existence of the later test/orientation/counseling KK claims to have found ~ And , IF I can get " a ride and a shoulder " there , that is all I am asking ~
All I am asking regarding the t/o/c is " a ride and a shoulder " , if no one will help me a little , a dirty CRIPPLE
~ Maybe the chance of going to CCSF is gone forever
I was being " sensible " , I was saying I'd go to CC before uni ! !! !! !! !! !! 
Renal kidney failure, congestive heart failure, COPD. Can't really get up from a floor position unhelped anymore:-(.
One of the walking wounded ~ SMASHED DOWN by life and age, now prevented from even expressing myself! SOB.
" Oh, no! First you have to PROVE you deserve to go away to college! " ~ My mother, 1978 (the heyday of Andy Gibb and Player). I would still like to go.

My life destroyed by Thorazine and Mellaril - and rape - and the Psychiatric/Industrial Complex. SOB:-(! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!