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16 Dec 2016, 12:16 pm

Head Banging
lip biting
Monotone humming
Sensitivity to loud noise
Sensitivity to touch
Sensitivity to external motion
Slow processing
Poor immediate recall
Obsessive thinking
Hyper Focus
Difficulty connecting with people
Inability to engage in group conversations


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16 Dec 2016, 12:21 pm

Social Anxiety/Poor Social Skills and not being able to establish what people's intentions are or what they expect of me in a relationship. I also struggle with identifying the type of relationship that exists between me/others e.g. am I an acquaintance? Am I a friend? Do they posses any interest with me?

I don't typically have any of the stereotypical traits that come with Aspergers except perhaps Noise Sensitivity and slight stimming behind closed doors.

Last edited by owenc on 16 Dec 2016, 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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16 Dec 2016, 12:23 pm

Oh, I would say much of everything I carried around through my twenties. Like the animal attachment thing. I come from a very old school Southern family. Animals are not treated in the same regard as humans. My family just couldn't understand my deep attachment to my pets. So, one day, I found out I was allergic to cats. I decided that I would much rather medicate myself than to get rid of my pet that I'd had for years and years. I had an aunt that told me I was crazy for doing that. I distinctly remember her saying something really callous like "Cats aren't people, they don't even have souls" or something. I was SO offended that I never brought up the subject again.

And OMG, correcting people outloud. I STILL have to make a concentrated effort not to do that. I have a coworker that consistently says "Pacifically" when she means "specifically". I have to bite my tongue daily.

The rocking, the lack of eye contact, the difficulty talking to women!(Before I knew what side my bread was buttered on, I found talking to men to be really easy). All of it except for the hand flapping was pretty much how I rolled from 5 to maybe 25 or so. I still have many of those traits now, even. I just try to work through them as best as I can.

Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 175 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 49 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)


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16 Dec 2016, 12:28 pm

Strangelittlegirl wrote:
"Cats aren't people, they don't even have souls"

Ouch...I would have DIED had I heard that coming from a family member...cats mean the world to me. Of course, my ex's dad always joked that if she brought a cat home, he'd just feed it to the dogs, so...

Strangelittlegirl wrote:
And OMG, correcting people outloud. I STILL have to make a concentrated effort not to do that. I have a coworker that consistently says "Pacifically" when she means "specifically". I have to bite my tongue daily.

Lol, reminds me of my mother. She says "brether" instead of "rather" all the time - I have no idea where it came from...

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16 Dec 2016, 3:35 pm

Occasional stimming
random eye contact
lower emotional control

This is how it is for now.



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16 Dec 2016, 8:06 pm

Pieplup wrote:

Acting like a penguin (Yes, I'm not the only one who acts like a animal)

Is it typical for autistic people to act like a certain animal? I have a second persona where I pretend to be a monkey but didn't know that was an autistic trait.


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16 Dec 2016, 11:57 pm

Before, I had:
Meltdowns (Too rare)
Shutdowns (Too rare)
Anxiety (Not long term anymore)
Strict Routines (Schedule now feels too strict for me)
No eye contact (It's just a gesture of attention)
Insomnia (Thanks to schedules)
Sensory Overload (No more)
Sensory Avoidance (No more)
Sensory Seeking (Before the former)
Withdrawn (No more)
Aggressive (Too rare)
Rigid thinking (Too rigid for my taste)
Poor self awareness (Unless you're talking about proprioception)
Disregard for others (Sometimes I wish I didn't lose this)

Until now, I have:
Conspicious/inconspicious Stimming
Sensitivity (Just no sensory overload)
Picky eating
No filter
'Spacing out'
Inconsistent sense of time
Literal mindedness
Self talking
Inappropriateness in general
Social cluelessness
Obsessions (On long terms)
Occasional fidgeting
Possibly auditory processing impairment
Repetition (Not as noticeable)
Screwed sense of fear and safety
Inconsistent expressions (Everything depends on my mood on what or how I convey things)
Little or too much emotional control
Attachment AND detachment
Culture shocks ('Norm' is unnatural)
Trust issues

Gained Number Post Count (1).
Lose Time (n).

Lose more time here - Updates at least once a week.


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17 Dec 2016, 12:09 am

My behaviors

- Awkward posture
- Lack of facial expression
- Sensory issues with smell and hearing (recently has gotten worst for some reason, I don't know why?)
- Take things literally
- Anxiety
- swaying back and forth (recently has came back)
- Obsessed over a certain music genre or band
- Looking around the classroom a lot (Don't know if this common)
And that's about it...

What if bees resembled bees?
What if bees resembled DIFFERENT bees? - Bees


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17 Dec 2016, 12:42 am


You listed a number of behaviors that you once had that are now either less prominent or nonexistent in your life. Do you know what caused this change? Can you tie it to any changes in your environment or relationships?


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17 Dec 2016, 12:55 pm

I forgot to mention that I pay quite a lot more attention to detail than most other people and can be easily fascinated by things like license plate numbers (turning "WZA" into "Wizard," for example and cracking a joke, saying "Oh, so you're a wizard, then?" for example, which one of my friends who was also autistic actually laughed at instead of just simply looking at me funny). Those are a couple of really big ones for me, and the former has been quite beneficial in a lot of situations, and comes in quite handy with music.

"Works of art make rules; rules do not make works of art."

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17 Dec 2016, 2:45 pm

Maintaining eye contact is like magnetic repulsion... No matter how hard I try to lock on, my eyes will inevitably dart off to the side

Selective mutism... sometimes the i question the "selective" part as at times I feel the process of vibrating my larynx to express my thoughts & emotions is intense to the point that I feel almost paralyzed... I also think my genuinely monotone voice sounds weird in my head :lol:

Hyperfocus on my interests/inattentiveness on most tasks... I feel as if somebody gave me the opportunity to be in charge of something like planning of civil construction on a global scale (I realize that doesnt exist :P ) I would probably need to be permanently hooked up to an IV as I would probably forget to ever slow down to eat/keep hydrated... Yet if somebody offered me a job to sit at a desk and take phone calls 8 hours a day for $100 an hour wage, I would probably prefer to be unemployed.

Sensory overload... Desensitization was one of my best friends growing up

Excessive daydreaming/zoning out... Becomes worrisome when I am more intrigued by how I can imagine the different outcomes of scenarios rather than how reality actually unfolds

Irrational/Irregular thought patterns/paranoia... :lol: :lol: :lol: Enough said!

Near inability to express my true emotions... If i am not in a 1on1 social situation, Ill most likely have my clown makeup on giving my damn best effort to entertain the folks around me... As long as I am not being bombarded with passive aggressive backhanded statements I can actually leave social situations feeling only minimally drained but if I get peppersprayed you probably wont see me for several days if I have control over where I can be

A little bit of stimming... I do a little bit of hand flapping for a few seconds when I am hyperfocused and the intensity suddenly picks up... Most of the time my stimming is me just twirling my hair with my fingers when I am alone and in a state of calmness... Very manly I know :lol:

Ill stop there before I end up writing a story


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18 Dec 2016, 7:34 am


I have been a cat lover from the time I was a child. I had one cat everyone thought was "mean," but she was my best friend for 20 years. I will never forget her. She was the one who introduced me to the Siamese breed.


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18 Dec 2016, 10:31 am

IstominFan wrote:

I have been a cat lover from the time I was a child. I had one cat everyone thought was "mean," but she was my best friend for 20 years. I will never forget her. She was the one who introduced me to the Siamese breed.

Wow, 20 years? That's awesome!
I hate the misconceptions surrounding cats so much. They get more hate than they deserve.

"Works of art make rules; rules do not make works of art."

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18 Dec 2016, 11:49 am

Mine are

angry outbursts
prefer to be alone
difficulty understanding jokes
like things to be in order (get anxious if things are untidy )
sometimes like to be in my own world where I feel safe there


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18 Dec 2016, 4:36 pm

Strangelittlegirl wrote:
remember her saying something really callous like "Cats aren't people, they don't even have souls" or something.

I would want to retort "No, cat's aren't people. Cats would never drop their standards so low"

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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18 Dec 2016, 8:14 pm

- Not making eye contact

- Talking in a monotone (My family complain about it a lot)

- Perfectionist (with hygiene and morality)

- Misreading other people as being angry at me when they're really not

- Picky eater / Hypersensitive taste (I've gone for weeks without eating because a lot of food makes me feel sick)

- Clicking tongue, tapping fingers, snapping my pinky fingers

- Being either really focused or not at all (no inbetween)

- Obsessing about a topic (the topic changes though)

- Find days easily stressful (I hate holidays, christmas and my birthday)

- I like being with animals more than people