Joe90 wrote:
I was diagnosed with AS in 1998, but not ADHD, even though I did display symptoms. But because back then ADHD was stereotyped as "extroverted hyperactive class clown", my shyness seemed to be the main behaviour they observed in me so they just left it at ASD. I did have issues with paying attention in class, but because I often sat still, it looked like I was attentive. Nowadays, ADHD is looked into more, and is not just looked upon as "hyperactive kid" syndrome. I have been recently diagnosed with ADHD in 2016, but I have ASD as well.
But I was brought up to be polite and passive, so sometimes upbringing can mask some symptoms of some neurological conditions. But at home I was hyperactive, loud, always climbing on things and running about.
As an adult my ADHD symptoms include:-
-Racing thoughts/mind in "fast forward" mode a lot (causing tasks to be rushed)
-Hyper behaviour (sometimes I act like a drunk person, though I don't drink)
-Frustration and sometimes angry thoughts
-Daydreaming/wandering thoughts
-Multitasking (from being easily distracted)
-Not very good short-term memory
-Easily amused, like to fiddle or even play with things
-Sometimes think outside the box, for example if people are talking about solar panels on roofs, I'd say something like "what if it snows heavily and is there for days and it blocks the sunlight?"
Racing thots very much apply to me as well. Three common words I use for fun are: hurry, fast, and quick.
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