EzraS wrote:
I don't think of people in those terms. I've always been in schools for those with autism, which is kind of like being in a club. I don't think most clubs have some special name for anyone who's not in the club. It's just them by name and then everyone else. I never even heard the term neurotypical until I started browsing autism forums.
Jews are tinier proportion of the world's population than are autistics. Yet Jews have a collective word for "all non Jews". That term being "Gentiles", or "the Goyem".
The Rom, or Gypsies, call all non Gypsies "Gadjay".
And the German language has a word for the entire surface of the planet that lies outside the borders of Germany: "Das Ausland".
And in fact most clubs DO have a term for "nonmembers". And that term is.... "nonmembers". So why shouldnt we autistics have a collective term for non autistics?