I'm neutral towards the term as I also find it too "cutesy", so I very much prefer being called either "autistic" (even though I was and still virulently opposed to the DSM V folding Asperger syndrome under the broad ASD classification), "high functioning autistic", "someone with Asperger's syndrome", "autist" (autist no longer seems to be interchangeable with the classically autistic when used on online discussion forums) and sporadically by myself - "Aspergian" & "Aspergernaut". Non-autistic neurodivergents (dyslexics, hyperlexians, synesthetes, hyperthymestics, prodigies, NLDers etc) are known as allistics.
It's a lot better than the term "sperg" (although I don't care nor am I offended if derided as one) though which is an Asperger's syndrome derogative predominantly used by autistophobes and aspiephobes.
Diagnosed with "Classical" Asperger's syndrome in 1998 (Clinical psychologist).
RAADS-R: 237/240
Aspie score: 199 out of 200
Neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 1 out of 200
Alexithymia Questionnaire: 166/185 AQ: 49/50 EQ: 9/80
Last edited by TheRedPedant93 on 24 Feb 2017, 10:46 am, edited 1 time in total.