Hate waking up before I'm ready, before I've gotten enough sleep. Waking up in morning is worst time of day for me, I feel so much better being awake at night. Hated getting up for school 5 days a week for all those years, so relieved to be done with all that misery. Mother would have to hassle & nag me repeatedly, even come in & sit on me to make me get out of bed in the morning. In college, I'd stay up all night & barely make it to class & I'd be falling asleep there anyway, though somehow I got mostly good grades. I'd nap while everyone else was out at dinner.
I'm someone who cares about being on time (for appts. or scheduled responsibilities) & not having absences (from class), which is incompatible with my need to sleep according to my own idiosyncratic availability (waking hours). Have fear of disappointing people, of making commitments & not honoring them, and losing my credibility. That panic was what motivated me to drag myself off to do whatever I was supposed to be doing, grudgingly. Nowadays, I only have 1 or 2 appts. per week, no classes or work, so I usually can sleep when I want to-the days I must arise early make me grouchy & gloomy.
On another thread here, someone mentioned DSPS (delayed sleep phase syndrome) & provided link to wiki. I have what they call "non-24 hour sleep-wake syndrome" (go to bed & get up an hour later each day/night). It's my lifelong pattern but I only found out about there being a name for it (I'm not the only one !) recently.
Kinda' like how it was for me to be told I have this ASD dx, after living 30+ years yet having no proper descriptive name for whatever/however I am.
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*