Gee, I don't really know where to put myself. It IS mild. I have been in a number of classes where I appeared to know nothing, or to know everything. I was recently asked, with the rest of my team, to do something and I wish I could tell you specifics, but it would narrow down my identity for some where I don't want that. Anyway, I called him up detailing how his information was not adequate for us to comply, etc... Although NOBODY else truly knew, they didn't seem to care, etc....
There are the typical social deficits.
Jokes are another thing.
People make assumptions about me. Some are earily accurate, but some are WAY off.
There is the typical encyclopedia knowledge, and tangential speaking.
Stims are subtle.
There is a lot of the blank stare/daydream type expressions, etc...
In other ways, I am better than most. Sometimes subconciously, I have each hand doing totally different things at the same time. My right hand might pull an access card out of my shirt pocket while my left hand pulls money out of my pants pocket while I am walking towards the door and talking with another person, or my right hand might start the car while my left hand puts my seatbelt on, and I am figuring the best route to my destination. I can only imagine that that is the kind of multitasking people think of. I sometimes LAUGH when I see women talking about how they have such great multitasking skills compared to men when those same women don't seem to be able to walk and talk at the same time. BTW That isn't ALL women, just ones I have actually heard talk about it, IRL.