Stoic0209 wrote:
Hey there!
One thing I would recommend is reading books about body language. Also read "How to win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. For us, the whole social thing is a much more conscious endeavour. When you interact with people, note when things go right, and celebrate to yourself your victories! When you make a slip-up, i.e., you say something embarrasing, or you catch yourself rambling about a special interest, etc., take note of the circumstance, and don't let it get you down. Use your mistakes as learning tools.
It's easier said than done, but I have faith that you can learn.
What every body is saying, by Joe navardo is pretty legit. learn about the lymbic system and passifying behaviours, when people are comfortable and uncomfortable. Celebrate small wins. Every time you push your comfort zone a little, pat yourself on the back. I used to have tingling hands when I went clubbing. Wasn't naturally an extrovert, my nerves were firing man, sensory overload. Now I walk up to the bar like I own the joint **schwwwwaaagggg**