I want to change my life and socialize

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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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23 Mar 2017, 7:58 am

komamanga wrote:
It's not related but, Turkce konusuyor musun?


Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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23 Mar 2017, 8:07 am

Sweetleaf wrote:
You go to the supermarket every day? 8O that would be like a nightmare for me.....grocery stores and super-markets set off my sensory issues and makes me anxious and irritable.

Or do you mean you just go some days, but thats really the only time you leave the house? Either way perhaps trying to do some more enjoyable less stressful activities outside your house would help some.

Hi i didnt get what you mean with "sensory issues" but why would i get irritable when i enter a supermarket? I didnt get it. Social activities make me way more irritable and anxious.


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23 Mar 2017, 8:38 am

Awkward wrote:
komamanga wrote:
It's not related but, Turkce konusuyor musun?


Baska otistik bir Turk'le tanismak beni mutlu etti. :)

Sensory issues derken supermarketlerdeki isiklandirmalar, pasif gurultu, ani sesler, gorsel kalabalik ve yakin temastan bahsetmis olabilir. Bunlar seni rahatsiz etmiyor mu?

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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23 Mar 2017, 8:46 am

And unfortunately i rarely leave the home because whenever i go out i feel like i landed on another planet and i feel anxious. I feel like everyone is looking at me. I am walking and acting carefully because other people are looking at me. I am not relaxed.

And supermarkets are great places because i dont need to talk too much. For example i choose sometime to buy and then i give the money to cashier and then leave. And they have air conditioners i like them.

But in more social environments, for example in school, i get nervous and anxious. when other people laugh, i cant laugh because i am nervous.

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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23 Mar 2017, 9:12 am

komamanga wrote:
Awkward wrote:
komamanga wrote:
It's not related but, Turkce konusuyor musun?


Baska otistik bir Turk'le tanismak beni mutlu etti. :)

Sensory issues derken supermarketlerdeki isiklandirmalar, pasif gurultu, ani sesler, gorsel kalabalik ve yakin temastan bahsetmis olabilir. Bunlar seni rahatsiz etmiyor mu?

Ben de memnun oldum. :)

bunlar beni rahatsız etmiyor beni rahatsız eden şey kaygı bozukluğu. İnsanlar bana bakıyormuş gibi hissediyorum


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23 Mar 2017, 9:28 am

Awkward wrote:
komamanga wrote:
Awkward wrote:
komamanga wrote:
It's not related but, Turkce konusuyor musun?


Baska otistik bir Turk'le tanismak beni mutlu etti. :)

Sensory issues derken supermarketlerdeki isiklandirmalar, pasif gurultu, ani sesler, gorsel kalabalik ve yakin temastan bahsetmis olabilir. Bunlar seni rahatsiz etmiyor mu?

Ben de memnun oldum. :)

bunlar beni rahatsız etmiyor beni rahatsız eden şey kaygı bozukluğu. İnsanlar bana bakıyormuş gibi hissediyorum

Ben Turkiyedeyken bu gibi problemlerden muzdariptim cunku insanlar sana bakiyormus gibi hissetmiyorsun aslinda gercekten sana bakiyorlar, tuhaf bi sey ama bizim kulturumuzde var sanirim insanlari suzmek :D Kisisel alana saygi denen sey yok. Bundan rahatsiz olmamak da aspergerli bir birey icin tabi ki cok zor, hatta onu birak pek cok insan icin zor. Cozum ne olabilir bilmiyorum ama oncelikle kendi kabugunda mutlu olmaya calismak ise yarayabilir.

Terapi veya ilac yardimi goruyor musun?

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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23 Mar 2017, 9:41 am

komamanga wrote:
Awkward wrote:
komamanga wrote:
Awkward wrote:
komamanga wrote:
It's not related but, Turkce konusuyor musun?


Baska otistik bir Turk'le tanismak beni mutlu etti. :)

Sensory issues derken supermarketlerdeki isiklandirmalar, pasif gurultu, ani sesler, gorsel kalabalik ve yakin temastan bahsetmis olabilir. Bunlar seni rahatsiz etmiyor mu?

Ben de memnun oldum. :)

bunlar beni rahatsız etmiyor beni rahatsız eden şey kaygı bozukluğu. İnsanlar bana bakıyormuş gibi hissediyorum

Ben Turkiyedeyken bu gibi problemlerden muzdariptim cunku insanlar sana bakiyormus gibi hissetmiyorsun aslinda gercekten sana bakiyorlar, tuhaf bi sey ama bizim kulturumuzde var sanirim insanlari suzmek :D Kisisel alana saygi denen sey yok. Bundan rahatsiz olmamak da aspergerli bir birey icin tabi ki cok zor, hatta onu birak pek cok insan icin zor. Cozum ne olabilir bilmiyorum ama oncelikle kendi kabugunda mutlu olmaya calismak ise yarayabilir.

Terapi veya ilac yardimi goruyor musun?

İlaç kullanıyorum (prozac, abizol ve concerta). Ayda bir psikiyatriste gidiyorum. O da ilaç yazıp yolluyor


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23 Mar 2017, 10:29 am

Awkward wrote:
İlaç kullanıyorum (prozac, abizol ve concerta). Ayda bir psikiyatriste gidiyorum. O da ilaç yazıp yolluyor

Bu ilaclarin yardimini gormuyor musun kaygilarin konusunda?

Bu arada online arkadasliklar gercek bir cevre kadar degerli olabilir. Ben erkek arkadasimla internet uzerinden tanistim mesela ve su an birlikte yasiyoruz. Burada hic arkadasim yok ve ailemden de cok uzaktayim. Fakat online konustugum bir iki kisi bendeki yalnizlik hissini tamamen siliyor. Penpal siteleri vs. yeni ve kafadengi insanlarla tanismani saglayabilir.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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25 Mar 2017, 5:24 am

Stoic0209 wrote:
Hey there!

One thing I would recommend is reading books about body language. Also read "How to win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. For us, the whole social thing is a much more conscious endeavour. When you interact with people, note when things go right, and celebrate to yourself your victories! When you make a slip-up, i.e., you say something embarrasing, or you catch yourself rambling about a special interest, etc., take note of the circumstance, and don't let it get you down. Use your mistakes as learning tools.

It's easier said than done, but I have faith that you can learn.

What every body is saying, by Joe navardo is pretty legit. learn about the lymbic system and passifying behaviours, when people are comfortable and uncomfortable. Celebrate small wins. Every time you push your comfort zone a little, pat yourself on the back. I used to have tingling hands when I went clubbing. Wasn't naturally an extrovert, my nerves were firing man, sensory overload. Now I walk up to the bar like I own the joint **schwwwwaaagggg**


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26 Mar 2017, 2:03 pm

I have forced myself out for a little walk.

I have reduced my frustration coming from noise and light and could continue concentrate on my book and remain calm.