I met most of my friends through school, either high school or college. My best friend, however, I met via the internet (Tumblr, to be specific). We bonded over our common interests. I would recommend looking for friends with common interests, whether it be online or in-person. For example, if you like tabletop gaming, try visiting a local comic book store's game night. If you use Facebook, you can also find local groups of people who like certain things (like my local Whovians group, I have met up with people from there for dinner and movies and it has been helpful).
I personally find it hard to make small talk, but could go on and on for hours about my special interests. Once you find people who are like you, it gets easier to interact with people, at least from my experience.
Good luck!
"Have you never seen something so mad, so extraordinary... That just for one second, you think that there might be more out there?" -Gwen Cooper, Torchwood