I read this blog, despite Starkid's warning and, because I have autism/Asperger's syndrome, a history of suicide ideations and attempts, and been coaching/counseling other auties/aspies like myself in suicide avoidance and prevention since 1994, I wasn't surprised by what it said. I've known about my own propensity since attempting my first serious and willful suicide at age 3½ and researched it extensively since I began writing books and blogs about my life of childhood autism, autistic psychopathy, and Asperger's Syndrome, when I retired from full-time professional employment as a county engineer in 2010.
There are such strong social stigmas against mental illness in general, and suicide, in particular, that no main- stream writer refers to them as such. They use less stigmatic metaphors like, depression, anxiety, and panic, to describe them. Only in the scientific community do writers not beat about the bush. I rely for statistics on three institutions in particular. The Karolinska Instituten of Stockholm, Sweden, reports that folks with autism are 2½ times as likely to die prematurely than people without autism, and a surprising majority of them die by suicide [http://ki.se/en/news/people-with-autism-run-a-higher-risk-of-premature-death]. Pennsylvania State University, USA, reports that children with autism are 28 times as likely to contemplate/attempt suicide than children who do not have autism [http://news.psu.edu/story/267913/2013/03/11/research/autistic-children-may-be-greater-risk-suicide-ideation-and-attempts]. Cambridge University, England, reports adults with autism are 9 times more likely to contemplate/attempt suicide than normal [http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=179185] "And, study co-leader Simon Baron-Cohen, also of Cambridge, added, "Adults with Asperger syndrome often suffer with secondary depression due to social isolation, loneliness, social exclusion, lack of community services, under-achievement and unemployment." However, Baron-Cohen believes that "their depression and risk of suicide are preventable with the appropriate support. This study should be a wake-up call for the urgent need for high-quality services, to prevent the tragic waste of even a single life," he said in the news release. Two experts in the United States weren't surprised by the findings."
Here in England, we have known this for almost 1000 years and taught the incumbents of the condition suicide avoidance/prevention to reduce their risk of suicide, except, of course, the condition has only had their current names since the 20th century. However, we've kept it secret, as we regarded it as militarily advantageous, for we can kill ourselves and come back to life, and it was subject to the Official Secrets Acts 1911-1989 until 12 May 2014, when I began publicizing it on the internet. We called it 'ruler warrior savantism' as it stemmed all the way from William the Conqueror, and the suicide avoidance and prevention savantism/pedagogy was taught in England by the County Surveyors Society he founded on his coronation day, Christmas, 25 December 1066 and of which I was a member from my birth, 21 March 1945, to its demise at UN behest on 31 March 1997.
As it isn't secret anymore, I teach it pro bono, 7 Steps in 7 Days, so that High School, College, and University students can cram it in the week before exams, or before commencing a course, or during a mid term break from lectures; and/or as a more leisurely, pro bono, 7 Steps in 98 Days, to consolidate long term benefits.
I regard the 7 Steps in 7 Days as providing suicide avoidance training; and the 7 Steps in 98 Days as providing suicide prevention training. I had 15 years suicide avoidance training and 35 years suicide prevention training, to become an instructor of the County Surveyors Society. PM me if you want to avail yourself of one or other, and I will give you their email autoresponder URL.
adriantesq - Born 1945, diagnosed as Savant 1949, Autist 1950, Unfulfilled musical genius 1953, Autistic Psychopath 1960, Aspie 1994, appointed as the County Surveyors Society Chief Instructor Suicide Avoidance and Prevention in 1995, became Amazon Best Selling Author in Biographies and Memoirs of Childhood Autism and Asperger's Syndrome 2014, and Ambassador for Autie and Aspie Students of Energime University 2016.