kraftiekortie wrote:
I would still go. But tell the guy not to "show off."
Maybe offer him a few quid for petrol, on condition that he drives safely.
If he doesn't drive safely, withhold the petrol money.
You really have to have fun in life. You can't live in fear all the time.
That is true. While my anxiety can be a blessing, it can also be a curse. The good part of it is it makes me very hyperaware of danger, hence why I have never broken a bone in my body, and also I never cut myself when I was angry and depressed a few years back. But the bad part is I think too deeply, and end up worrying more than enjoying myself.
I think it's the way I hear of someone in the UK dying every week, as in an unexpected premature death, and as a pessimistic, I think "why shouldn't it happen to me?" I mean, I'm not invincible.
Sometimes I feel like going out in a suit of armour to protect me from any harm.