JCJC777 wrote:
Would we expect
(a) that person would feel pretty amazingly good from being able to communicate with people, feel, have social joy?
I already am very good with communication, and your grammar is killing my joy.
(b) he/she might feel some obligation, moral compassion, to try to share it?
Depends on the person
(c) most people would think he/she was a real nutter because what he's saying is unexpected and against previous assumptions?
I don't think many people in the NT world would care
(d) but a few other people might try around with the approaches and ideas, and find their own way through, out from AS - and then it would develop and spread,... and a lot of people would have a lot better lives in all the years to come?
Real;y? Would it really make life better? I think my life is pretty damn good, AS or not.