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03 Jun 2017, 3:24 pm

I usually only leave the house for supplies ( don't have friends ) but I live with my girlfriend so I'm hardly a recluse.

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03 Jun 2017, 6:28 pm

I'm 90% reclusive. The only time I go out is when I do my food shop. That's all I can manage at the moment. I could shop online but if I did that I'd have no contact with the outside world which would only increase my Social anxiety. I have a friend I've known since school but she lives out of town and is always busy so I haven't seen her for a while.

There is a part of me that would like to have some kind of social life but I don't know anyone else and making friends is difficult. I don't know where I'd start because I don't live in a great area - it's a small town and most of the people who live near to me are simple-minded, uneducated and behave negatively to those who want to better themselves. I have no interest in sitting around smoking, gossiping, swearing and watching too much TV. Although there are more pleasant areas in the surrounding countryside, I could never afford to live there.


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04 Jun 2017, 2:24 pm

Only leave the house to buy food (twice a week), always first thing in the morning when it's not so busy. Don't have any friends but have a good relationship with my daughter who shares some of my traits and understands.

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05 Jun 2017, 5:33 pm

Eliza_Day wrote:
I'm 90% reclusive. The only time I go out is when I do my food shop. That's all I can manage at the moment. I could shop online but if I did that I'd have no contact with the outside world which would only increase my Social anxiety. I have a friend I've known since school but she lives out of town and is always busy so I haven't seen her for a while.

There is a part of me that would like to have some kind of social life but I don't know anyone else and making friends is difficult. I don't know where I'd start because I don't live in a great area - it's a small town and most of the people who live near to me are simple-minded, uneducated and behave negatively to those who want to better themselves. I have no interest in sitting around smoking, gossiping, swearing and watching too much TV. Although there are more pleasant areas in the surrounding countryside, I could never afford to live there.

I can relate 100% with your situation. The friends I had in the school days moved to other cities, and the people who live around me are also simple-minded and I feel like I'm from a different species when I'm interacting with them.
I also go out sometimes just for the sake of keeping some of my sanity.

You know what's funny? I feel like we could be great friends if we lived near each other, haha.


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06 Jun 2017, 1:10 pm

TheWarrior wrote:
Simple question.
How often do you go out and do social stuff? How much contact do you have with other people?

It depends on a situation, whether I'm leaving my house or just on the internet I would try to socialize with depending on body language (or just give a quick hello). There were times in the past where people would bully me, lie to me, manipulate/blackmail me, etc. & some people who have no empathy whatsoever. Basically I don't socialize with anybody because of trust issues (plus I've annoyed some people & made some uncomfortable in the past), as for your question I'm not sure how reclusive I am. That just depends on who hates me & who doesn't.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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06 Jun 2017, 10:39 pm

Only go out for shopping/groceries, and part time college. Social interaction is visiting family once a week.


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06 Jun 2017, 11:57 pm

I am a very non-social, but not anti-social person. Because of health issues, I am no longer able to work, so I don't have to deal with work contacts anymore. I was able to do so when I was able to work, though.

I live alone, so I don't have daily contact with others. Since I am a hermit type of person, this is not a problem for me. I go on grocery runs every two or three weeks, and will talk to people while out on these trips without problems. I know that I will be able to be alone once I am back home, so these situations are less stressful than when I had to live with relatives.

A relative comes over once every week or two to drop off garbage and mow my lawn, if it needs it. Their town doesn't pick up garbage, and charges people who bring their garbage to the town dump. My garbage bill is part of the lot fee at my trailer park, and I never fill both cans, so it works out to let my relatives dump their trash in my cans. They generally stay long enough to talk for a short time, whether I want them to or not. On special occasions, I do go visit them or go out to eat with them, but would rather stay home alone. However, they help me with stuff, so I am kind of obligated to socialize with them at least a little bit.

If I am outside my trailer I will say hi & wave to the neighbors, but I don't know any of them beyond that, even though I've been here for over a decade. I think my hi and wave policy is helpful, because it reassures them that I'm not some kind of cranky nut job, and it also keeps the kids from doing nasty things too. Nobody has ever tried to bother me in all the time I've lived here. It's not a fancy place, but I like it here, in spite of a next-door neighbor who has a motorcycle and the other motorcyclist who drops off the manager's daughter late at night--right across the lane, and just yards from my home. It's still a lot better than some other places I've lived, so yes, I like it here. I can be a hermit most of the time, and nobody bothers me. What's not to like? :D

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away.--Henry David Thoreau


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07 Jun 2017, 10:15 am

Aside from my Saturday gaming group (d&d style RPGs) that I host with my only friends I don't go and socialize. Even that activity is cause for great anxiety and I consider cancelling every week. I don't even participate in the group chat we have set up for the game. I don't like to leave my home, even/especially to go out alone and run errands. This is pretty problematic especially because I have enough of a difficult time remembering to eat and when I do remember I need to eat I don't have food and can't face the people at the grocery store.

I am fully aware of who and what I am. I am comfortable with this awareness.


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07 Jun 2017, 9:11 pm

I go out lots, but rarely connect always hoping to connect. I could easily disappear into the Ocean as a reclusive by myself and enjoy it. Currently it feels like the famous older pop David Bowie song "Major Tom."

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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08 Jun 2017, 4:51 am

I can't remember the last time I talked to someone in person who wasn't a family member or friend of family. My social skills have atrophied to even worse than they used to be, my emotions are starting to go the same course.


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08 Jun 2017, 5:56 pm

I work and go out for academic/professional events in my field. I also organize some outings for a Meetup group for adults on the spectrum and I go to events pertaining to my interests.

When I am at home, though, I hyperfocus on chores/interests and zone out the world. I have no motivation to interact with people when I am at home as there's so much other interesting stuff I can do here, and I get more structure with my life this way. I really need these disengagement periods or I begin performing suboptimally at work etc.

Leading a double life and loving it (but exhausted).

Likely ADHD instead of what I've been diagnosed with before.

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08 Jun 2017, 9:04 pm

I spend most of my time at home, but will go out to do shopping and what not.

I meet a friend for dinner about once ever two weeks, and other than that social is rare.

I do coach little league ball. I signed up to just assist, but then the head coach decided not to show up so I was put into a bigger role. I'm fine in games, but trying to run a practice is impossible, thankfully I have help there.

Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.