kraftiekortie wrote:
If you're pretty good at soccer, you're in pretty good shape.
In soccer, people just run around constantly; there aren't many "breaks in the action" like there is a in a sport like baseball/softball.
But you gotta catch the ball with your feet and dribble it with your feet and be able to kick it in the direction you want it and be able to keep other opponents from stealing it. That all takes practice. I just never gave up trying. I mostly did running in it. But I have known NT kids who also sucked in sports too so it's not always an autism thing or a dyspraxia thing. When I did soccer in 7th grade, lot of my team players sucked so we always lost. We only won a few games and that was it. But the difference was they were all trying, not goofing off like other kids were in PE.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.