High intellect, how not to get annoyed?

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My friends call me Snow

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08 Jul 2017, 8:03 am

Thanks for all the posts, to answer a couple of things:

1: I've had it verified i'm above average intelligent, it's not just a phase :P

2: I have high intellect but i do lack other things such as motivation and understanding of other humans emotions and intellect.

3: If anyone could link me to some forums, group chats or otherwise like social clubs for intellectual people, i'd very much appreciate it.

4: Yes i have considered i might be wrong, i re-evaluate in such circumstances but i arrive at the same outcome. It's when i find a paradox or otherwise holed statement in other's speech that it becomes annoying.

I don't mean to sound like a dick, but carrying the reality of the world on your shoulders becomes lonely and difficult sometimes. It'd be nice to meet fellow people who share that weight.
Again thanks for the replies <3

My friends call me Snow

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08 Jul 2017, 8:05 am

Trueno wrote:
I used to be a member of Mensa, the high IQ society. I'd just got divorced and moved areas so I thought it would be a good way to meet people, even though it meant social meetings in pubs. So, the only thing everyone had in common was the fact they'd scored highly in an IQ test... and you can make your own conclusions what that means. In all other respects they were an average cross-section. Some were really boring, some were not. Probably a higher percentage of sci-fi nerds (good for me) but otherwise no common thread at all. If someone sparks your interest with a particular topic, then you're away.
By contrast, I was a martial artist for a few years and we had one big thing in common... karate. Got on better with them than I did with the Mensa guys... I suppose we were too busy beating the **** out if each other to talk much.
My conclusion... high intelligence alone (however you choose to define it) is not a common interest. What matters is the subject matter. If someone is interested enough in something they will express themselve well enough.

Thanks i'll keep that in mind, primarily i was hoping to find highly intelligent people who also shared Video Games as a hobby/interest. Thought it'd be a first place to look.


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08 Jul 2017, 8:11 am

You can go to the Philosophy, Politics, and Religion forum right here on this Site. You'll get plenty of intellectual discussion there. People point out fallacies there all the time. You can hone your debating skills.


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08 Jul 2017, 8:30 am

Syrian refugees "carry the reality of the world on their shoulders."


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08 Jul 2017, 8:31 am

My friends call me Snow wrote:
Trueno wrote:
I used to be a member of Mensa, the high IQ society. I'd just got divorced and moved areas so I thought it would be a good way to meet people, even though it meant social meetings in pubs. So, the only thing everyone had in common was the fact they'd scored highly in an IQ test... and you can make your own conclusions what that means. In all other respects they were an average cross-section. Some were really boring, some were not. Probably a higher percentage of sci-fi nerds (good for me) but otherwise no common thread at all. If someone sparks your interest with a particular topic, then you're away.
By contrast, I was a martial artist for a few years and we had one big thing in common... karate. Got on better with them than I did with the Mensa guys... I suppose we were too busy beating the **** out if each other to talk much.
My conclusion... high intelligence alone (however you choose to define it) is not a common interest. What matters is the subject matter. If someone is interested enough in something they will express themselve well enough.

Thanks i'll keep that in mind, primarily i was hoping to find highly intelligent people who also shared Video Games as a hobby/interest. Thought it'd be a first place to look.

Mensa has a number of special interest groups so you'll probably find something you like. But, think I'll have a look at the philoshophy, politics, religion group here myself.

Steve J

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08 Jul 2017, 8:58 am

At the end of the day we know what we know. I could call someone a bit stupid at work for not knowing who (for example) these people were and what they did:

Ron Dennis
Cyril Parr
Jon Pertwee
Verity Lambert
Steffan Bellof
Curt Backeberg
Dick Walker
Chris Squire
Arnie Saccnuson
Alpha Centauri

Or what do the following acronyms stand for:

Or not knowing that it a contravention of the Formula One Sporting Regulations to fit different tyres other than those used in Q2 of qualifying for the start of the race if the driver reaches Q3 (unless the team can prove they are damaged, when they can fit an equally worn, but undamaged set), but not if they didn't, unless it is raining and then the rule doesn't apply. I mean, come on, everyone knows that!

Equally, I wouldn't have a clue how Love Island works, who is married to who in Coronation Street, or why people always argue in Eastenders instead of being nice to each other, what time Strictly Come Dancing is on, or even who the judges are. I wouldn't be able to cook a curry or know which herbs to put with which meat and veg, etc, etc (and this list is a LOT bigger than the first list.......).

At the end of the day we know what we know, and we all know different things. Most people, though wouldn't try and find out about something they didn't know about, which I think most of us here would do.

Last edited by harry12345 on 08 Jul 2017, 9:01 am, edited 1 time in total.


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08 Jul 2017, 9:01 am

I don't know any of those people. I know maybe one or two of those acronyms.

It's not hard to make curry dishes.


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08 Jul 2017, 9:04 am

My tennis instructor said it's important to have wisdom as well as knowledge and to live a well-rounded life. This is what I am striving to do. I prioritized getting good grades at school over socialization. I feel I did a lot of dumb things in my life and it hindered me.


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08 Jul 2017, 9:09 am

[To be clear I am not disagreeing with you here. We are both saying the same thing.]

kraftiekortie wrote:
I don't know any of those people. I know maybe one or two of those acronyms.

It's not hard to make curry dishes.

And of course it doesn't make either of us more or less intellegent than the other. :D :D

Someone can repair cars, someone else can arrange flowers. Trying to do what the other person can do would end in disaster - but it doesn't mean they are not intelligent.

It could be a good thread someplace to try and name obscure famous people. I could list a few, but then someone else could come along and claim that the third violinist in the Wallingford Working Men's Symphony Orchestra is really famous too and if you've never heard of him.....etc, etc.


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08 Jul 2017, 9:11 am

I admit to having unusual interests. A lot of people wouldn't know who Denis Istomin is, but his story really moved me and motivated me to pick up a racquet and sign up for tennis lessons myself. I was so happy when Denis beat Novak Djokovic at the Australian Open, not just because he beat a top-ranked player, but because I genuinely like Denis. He is intelligent, nice and has a good sense of humor. Watching videos of him makes me smile. He has a friendly, open demeanor and speaks very well.


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08 Jul 2017, 9:48 am

My friends call me Snow wrote:
Thanks for all the posts, to answer a couple of things:

1: I've had it verified i'm above average intelligent, it's not just a phase :P

If that was in response to my post I think you misunderstood , I didn't mean your intelligence is a phase , I meant getting annoyed at other people is a phase.

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08 Jul 2017, 11:23 am

My most faithful pen-pal shares my interest in bicycles, but is so stupid in his approach, and so unteachable, that I now ignore anything he asks or writes about them. When I was in a larger research organization, there was one guy who was both articulate and voluble, but about what amounted to a perpetual-motion booster in his powertrain. Feynman was frankly appalled at the thought of a large committee, as the odds of having to carry the deadwood was almost 100%.

I am curious about where Snow gets his sense of having the world on his shoulders. I'm stuck trying to promote stuff I did 30 years ago that is still decades ahead of its time, as well as my new work, which is far better, but has not attracted a single correspondent. I have no interest in video games, except as examples of addiction. There's too much work to do to repair the planet.


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08 Jul 2017, 12:37 pm

I get you, Harry.


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08 Jul 2017, 1:34 pm

My friends call me Snow wrote:
i have to accept the fact that i am more intelligent than the average fella

I must admit, I often feel the same way, and have all my life - however, that said, I have recently come to realize that because of my autistic NEUROLOGICAL DYSFUNCTION, my personal sense of logic is often a good 180 degrees askew from that of the majority of the human (NT) population - meaning that what SEEMS perfectly logical and rational to ME, actually flies in the face of what the rest of the world sees as logical and rational.

Which is the logic of a comic book super villian, or an outright madman. I do not see the "real world" in the same way as a normal person, therefore it is easy for me to assume that MY perspective is the sane one and theirs is utter foolishness. But it's not an autistic planet, therefore I am most decidedly in the minority, making me (to them) the wild-eyed lunatic, or gibbering idiot. 8O

I don't necessarily accept that as proof that I'm wrong, but it does say a lot about what actually constitutes "intelligence," depending on who is doing the measuring. :?

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08 Jul 2017, 2:24 pm

Aye, it takes a group in agreement to elevate any new truth above "insane" status. Socrates had to drink hemlock, Galileo was persecuted, and Hyapatia of Alexandria was skinned alive. There is an ongoing, undeclared feud between smart people and average people, and they outnumber us badly. Most people are almost incapable of evaluating data, depending on their trusted herd-mates for their opinions. So, they know that they are vulnerable to being fooled, but they suspect all intellectuals, while believing the subset of real con-men. We get the backlash for all the times people didn't "get" our clever jokes at airport security, where any attempt at humour can ruin your day.


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08 Jul 2017, 2:54 pm

My friends call me Snow wrote:
So as a highly intelligent person i try to stay off the subject when talking with average people because i don't want to be viewed as arrogant. However i have to accept the fact that i am more intelligent than the average fella, with that said i get very easily annoyed at people because of self-conflicting, repetitive and pointless arguments when talking with people. (I have ASD as well and thought it might be common so that's why i'm posting here.)

With all that said does anyone who experience the same have any tips as to how to avoid getting frustrated with people because of their lack of equal intelligence in a conversation?

LOL Ah, YOUTH!! Probably most people, here, have experienced what you've described----but, NOT necessarily because we're Aspies; but, because we have been YOUNG!! You're not gonna believe anyone who tells you otherwise, though (as was confirmed, I feel, by your second post)----it's just one of those things, one has to learn, over time, with maturity and growth; so, you go ahead and find that forum / club / whatever "for intellectual people", and when you've been taken-down a peg or two, because you're not as "above average intelligent" as you've been "verified" to be (your second post), we'll be here to pick-up the pieces. (LOL, "above average"! ! What is THAT----you think that means you're special? I'm Mensa-level intelligent----being intelligent means next-to-nothing----but, as I said, you'll have to learn that, on your own; and, good luck, with that!!)

On second thought, you probably WON'T think / understand that you've been taken-down, a peg or two, cuz you seem to be the type that will think everybody else, is wrong----again, as what seems to be confirmed, by your second post.


As for tips: I suggest OPENING your mind to the possibility that you just might learn something, from EVERY individual you encounter (I've often said I've learned more from lil' old black ladies on buses [those who some, like yourself, I imagine, would consider, the LEAST intelligent], than I've learned from ANYBODY else). Different people, know different things----and, just because someone doesn't know the things, that YOU know----or, isn't able to communicate those things, the way YOU do----doesn't make them unintelligent. I bet Neil DeGrasse Tyson doesn't know the intricacies of an appendectomy----do you think that makes him, UNintelligent?

Also, if you have to TRY "to stay off the subject when talking with average people", IMO, that means you're just ITCHING to tell / show people how intelligent you are (because, in reality, you probably DON'T feel very intelligent, because you do all the stupid things that most other Aspies, do)----and, that mindset, ALONE (the mindset that you're gonna MAKE people see how intelligent you really are), IMO, can cloud your judgment of others; and, it also might be one of those ways, like someone else on this thread was saying, that indicates that intelligent people are lacking in something else (in your case, possibly, like most Aspies, security - security in yourself - that you ARE intelligent, ARE worthy, etc., and NOT weird, and therefore, should be disregarded / dismissed).

(Speaking of being dismissed----it absolutely blows-my-mind that so many Aspies are so quick to be so dismissive of others, when we've been dismissed, so often, BY others. I would think that we would be the LAST persons to do that to people, because we know how badly, it can HURT!!)

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)

Last edited by Campin_Cat on 08 Jul 2017, 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.