Apparently in my province in Canada, our government website lists "Psychiatric Disorders (eg. Mood and anxiety disorders, ADHD, Schizophrenia)" as medical conditions that will affect safe driving but it says nothing about having your license taken away if the police were to somehow be informed of your psychiatric history. And why would anyone want to volunteer that information to the government? Unless you caused a horrific 10 car pileup on the other side of the road but there should be no reason to inform the government.
Of course, ALL of the above listed mental conditions just scream Autism and Aspies like us just need to be much more careful than the average NT does, that much is certain. There is no situation more unpredictable than driving a car, especially with many other cars with you on the road which are no doubt filled with ego-maniacal NTs. Add to that the congestion of NTs in big cities, versus small towns which would be much easier to manage. That regimentation and predictability that ASDs really need in life, is completely nonexistent in this situation.
Whew... let's just say I wish I had an Autism support dog with me during driving time, actually ALL the time. There's a huge amount of research to consider that these pups can GREATLY help with regulating moods. In Canada, Autism Support Dogs are given the same status in public places as guide dogs for blind folks. Cool huh? Worth looking into.
*** High Functioning Autism - Asperger's Syndrome ***
Keep calm and stim away.