kraftiekortie wrote:
Yep.....the only problem with the Scandinavian climate: not enough sun, especially near the coasts.
Surprisingly, New York City gets a pretty decent amount of sun. This is because we are influenced more by continental air masses than by the ocean---even though we're right by the ocean.
I'm glad the diagnosis has inspired you, Underwater. I'm glad you're feeling less depressed, less frustrated, etc.
I'm sort of hibernating for the winter. Refocusing on indoor activities. Must try to get enough sun to avoid SAD. I heard New York is unbearably hot during the summer, is that so?
Yes, the diagnosis thing was right for me....I was so anxious about it all, it was really murder, but it turned out much better than I thought. I'm very scared of doctors and psychologists and the like, because of so many bad encounters, but it ended being both a very positive experience in itself, and it led to me actually getting some help.
And family and friends are more understanding, so all in all it was a huge improvement.
I sometimes leave conversations and return after a long time. I am sorry about it, but I need a lot of time to think about it when I am not sure how I feel.