Crisps... especially if they're really smelly and messy.
I can't even eat them because of this reason - also I hate crunchy food.
My dad dropped some rather smelly and messy ones all over the kitchen floor earlier today, and every time I've gone in the kitchen I tip-toed round them so the crumbs don't go on my feet. A bit like that scene off Toy Story 2, except the crisps had already been squashed in.
kkouhxai wrote:
Food that has like crumbs and stuff on it especially certain types of crisps/chips like cheetos and doritos
& water when the rest of me is dry, I hate this the most.
I hate it when handling something dry and powdery with wet hands and it all clumps together (e.g. when making pastry)
BTW I like your Nico icon, kkouxhai ^^
I'm sailing across Spectrum Sea, in my little boat.
The waters of the port were choppy. After I set off, there was a long, massive storm.
Years later, however, the sea calmed. I'm still on tranquil sea, but I'll never reach the Neurotypical Beach.
Last edited by Leahcar on 22 Oct 2017, 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.