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What do you think of makeup?
I don't care 10%  10%  [ 4 ]
I really like it 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
I like it 10%  10%  [ 4 ]
I prefer natural 49%  49%  [ 20 ]
Makeup is gross 29%  29%  [ 12 ]
Total votes : 41


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12 Nov 2017, 9:24 am

TheSilentOne wrote:
I don't really like makeup and I rarely ever wear any. I have acne and people often tell me that I should wear makeup to cover it up and make it invisible but I never do. It makes my face itch and feel funny.

Make-up can also make the underlying acne problem worse over time.


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12 Nov 2017, 10:00 am

I can't really tell if someone's wearing makeup or not. Here are my thoughts on it, expressed in one of my favourite quotes of all time (see JD's last line):

MythBusters Episode 117 (1,000,000 match heads)

JD Nelson: What now?
Jamie: A million match heads.
JD: a million?
Jamie: a million.
JD: You guys have way too much time on your hands.

Yep, spending half an hour applying makeup is about as good a use of time as burning a million matchheads IMO. TBH you'd probably learn more burning the million matchheads.

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12 Nov 2017, 5:28 pm

Glflegolas wrote:
Yep, spending half an hour applying makeup is about as good a use of time as burning a million matchheads IMO.

You'd think so. I've often wondered if it really gives the user any advantage, but I've seen sections of society that expect makeup, so if an individual complies then they probably get favourable treatment, it's a badge of belonging I guess, probably more common in the clerical and corporate world, where it's perhaps a prop to help rise up the ranks. And I think it can boost the individual's social confidence.


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12 Nov 2017, 7:33 pm

was told that many women will be less accepting and more mean towards women who don’t wear any makeup.

makeup doesn’t seem gross or feel deceptive if women wear it. it’s no different than how men tend to their facial hair... it’s not a deception, it’s a form of self expression. you can tell a lot about a guy’s character from his facial hair after exchanging a few words, just like speaking to a woman wearing lots of makeup, some or none.

preference in a partner is that she’s minimalistic with it or uses none. it’s like there’s an extra dimension of endearing character that’s hidden if makeup is used to conceal imperfections, but accents like mascara around brown eyes can do something to them that makes them even more mesmerizing and difficult not to get lost in gaze.


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12 Nov 2017, 8:44 pm

I wear mascara on a daily basis but that's as far as I go. Every now and then I'll put on lipstick as well but I literally don't know how to do anything else.

Makeup always struck me as being way too much effort. I like how it looks on other women but I can't imagine putting in the time to do it every day. If something takes more than a minute or two, I'm not going to do it. I'm also a very active person so it just seems silly to put makeup on and then go out and sweat.

Still- I sometimes wish I had some abilities with it. I look extremely young and it'd be nice to look a bit more mature. Unfortunately, makeup seems to be necessary to be taken seriously.


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13 Nov 2017, 9:02 am

I thought, "That makes no sense to me at all".
It has never made any sense to me either. I find it obsolete that one gender should put color on their face like that.
When it shows, I always find it ugly in addition.

In my 40 years I have never worn that stuff and I don't plan to.

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13 Nov 2017, 9:30 am

SpiceWolf wrote:
TheSilentOne wrote:
I don't really like makeup and I rarely ever wear any. I have acne and people often tell me that I should wear makeup to cover it up and make it invisible but I never do. It makes my face itch and feel funny.

Make-up can also make the underlying acne problem worse over time.

Exactly! That is another reason I don't wear it. Whenever I have let my friends or sisters play "makeover" with me, my acne would feel worse and I would be really broken-out the next day.

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13 Nov 2017, 9:34 am

Makeup has always been closely tied to confidence for me. As a former recluse who literally didn't leave the house in years, when eventually I crept out from under that rock I did so trying to feel as good about myself as possible. Though it's improved with practice and group sessions since my diagnosis, the extreme social anxiety I suffered back then meant I was all too willing to 'conform' and do whatever I thought would make me blend in with the rest of society.
I always appreciate people who genuinely think women shouldn't wear makeup as it disguises their natural beauty, though. If more were like that, perhaps many of us including me would be less addicted to the stuff!
On the other hand however, as an artsy person I also enjoy experimenting with any kind of palette and canvas, including skin, so there are clearly many angles to all of this.

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13 Nov 2017, 12:59 pm

I used to wear makeup mainly because I thought I looked horrible without. All pale, sickly, and anemic because I have a fair complexion. My lips are very naturally pink, though, so I don't think look that unhealthy. Anyway, I just got tired of putting it on just to go to the grocery store one day, so whatever.