Makeup has always been closely tied to confidence for me. As a former recluse who literally didn't leave the house in years, when eventually I crept out from under that rock I did so trying to feel as good about myself as possible. Though it's improved with practice and group sessions since my diagnosis, the extreme social anxiety I suffered back then meant I was all too willing to 'conform' and do whatever I thought would make me blend in with the rest of society.
I always appreciate people who genuinely think women shouldn't wear makeup as it disguises their natural beauty, though. If more were like that, perhaps many of us including me would be less addicted to the stuff!
On the other hand however, as an artsy person I also enjoy experimenting with any kind of palette and canvas, including skin, so there are clearly many angles to all of this.
On hiatus thanks to someone in real life breaching my privacy here, without my permission! May be back one day. +tips hat+