Ramsus wrote:
You insult me by being a nihilist who pushes his opinions at the expense of others.
I state my opinions just like anyone else on this board. I give others an equal chance to respond. Ussually, my questionable morals are called out and I'm insulted.. setting me off. BUT! When someone properly addresses the subject, I WILL respond in an equally proper manner.
I was being polite until you replied in such a fashion. I wanted to specify because I did not want this thread getting out of hand.
This thread is about people discussing who they want to kill in their life. How can it get any more out of hand?
And your rationality and statistical logic will not get you a life you can enjoy.
My rationality and statistical logic are due to a life I cannot enjoy.
You do not state them, you broadcast them, and whenever people respond (in, what I think, is a natural manner), you squash them. Your response to my calling you out is to dodge the issue. Therefore, you will not submit to any discussion of your so-called 'principles', reasoned or otherwise. You will just express contrary opinions, rather than discuss them.
I would have been able to tell if it had gotten out of hand. You just pushed it into that arena by mentioning Freund. I would dearly like to kill a number of people, but I realise that life is more precious than you obviously hold.
Where does your rationality and statistical logic say "put down all other's opinions"? You suffer from hubris claiming to know everything about life. I am 8 years older than you. I know you hate authority, and hate the seniority card being pulled on you, but the facts are this: I have been through 8 more years of hell than you, I have been through (and still going through) an existential crisis like you would not believe, and I am depressed. But I have at least achieved something. I have a degree, and am working on another. I have made it through school without going insane (something I came close to). I have friends and a loving parent, and am relatively happy and satisfied with my life. So I suggest that you change your attitude. If you want to think of a statistical anomaly, think of life. Have you ever read the graphic novel Watchmen? There's an interesting point. One character thinks life has no meaning, until he realises that the statistical improbability of people being born, of life existing, is as statistically impossible as air spontaneously turning into gold.
Is that enough of an argument for you?
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