cfleischmann wrote:
Those who use the term as an insult are taking an accepted medical term and using it as an insult (this has happened with terms in the past like ret*d) which was a legitimate medical term but is now seen as insulting when all ret*d means is “slowed down” (example the fire “retardant” meaning something (usually a chemical agent) that slows down the progression of a fire)
Just my thoughts. Glad you posted this.
I agree with all of this. And I wouldn´t be surprised if by the second half of this century the word "autistic" was deemed outdated as a medical term and replaced by an euphemistic name, turned officially into an insult like "idiot" and "ret*d". But this wouldn´t solve the problem, because the issue is not about the words, but about the people who misuse these words as if they were insults.
Professionally diagnosed with PDD NOS as a child, but only told by my parents at the age of 21.
Autism Quotient: 30
Aspie quiz: 123/200 aspie; 75/200 NT
RAADS: 135