Tips for interacting with kids: (from someone who works with children in schools)
-Hold them so that their head is supported and rock. It is perfectly socially acceptable to rock when holding a baby
-Some babies like to be held close, others like to look around them. Remember that babies are still learning what everything is, so any new objects are interesting.
-Have a story or picture book and talk about the pictures. For up to two years it doesn't even have to be a story, things like "ooh, there's a ball, it's a red ball" are good.
-Ask them to show you their toys and talk about them. If a child has an action figure or something and asks you to play they often have their own ideas about how the game will go and tell you what to do. You can even say "Can you tell me how to play with this" and they may enjoy teaching you. My son (aged 3) often tells me what I need to say and how we should fight the baddies.
School aged children
-Show them a game that you play on your mobile phone.
-Talk to them about your special interests. You will come accross as very clever and your enthusiasm will help make it interesting to them.
-Ask them to tell you about their favourite games or TV shows.
Another good tip, if the child is feeling shy, just ignore them for a bit and let them come to you. If you have any fidget toys that you like to play with, start fiddling, the child may start looking and then you can show them your toy and how it works.
Kids like STUFF. It's easier to bond with children when talking about or playing with a particular thing. If it's a thing that you enjoy and show interest in, they will be taken in by your interest.
Hope some of these ideas help.
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