I always turn to Sir Winston Churchill for solace when I hear about this type of putdown:
an encounter between Churchill and a fellow Member of Parliament, related to me by the late Ronald Golding, the bodyguard present on that occasion:
Bessie Braddock MP: “Winston, you are drunk, and what’s more you are disgustingly drunk.”
WSC: “Bessie, my dear, you are ugly, and what’s more, you are disgustingly ugly. But tomorrow
I shall be sober and you will still be disgustingly ugly.”
This world famous encounter occurred late one night in 1946, as Churchill was leaving the House of Commons. Lady Soames, who said her father was always gallant to ladies, doubted the story, but Mr. Golding explained that WSC was not drunk, just tired and unsteady, which perhaps caused him to fire the full arsenal.
from here:
https://www.winstonchurchill.org/public ... umor-mill/following his stellar example:
perhaps you are not the same in appearance as you once were, but that is natural, and quite superficial. On the other hand, your tormentor is the same small-souled wretch that he or she has always been, and there's clearly no hope for improvement.
"You are most kindly welcome."
"I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people," said the man. "You're wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides."
-- Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!
Last edited by Esmerelda Weatherwax on 15 Jan 2018, 10:00 am, edited 1 time in total.