jadix wrote:
Dear_one, I am taking a political science course, and I used to be really into everything fiction, but there is so much going on. I'm going to register to vote this Friday. I think it would be cool to start a blog where people got together and thought of ways on an individual scales to make a difference, big and small ideas, to be doing something, and trying things out. This would be a side interest, but would make a productive "special interest". I am sort of still growing the idea. a special interest is rats, they are one of my favorite pets, and I have a room I want to turn into a space, with as much freedom as I can give them and maintain there safety, and adopt feeder rats, and foster rats, as well as kittens, but not in the same room, not that that couldn't work, and in fact if you get a pet kitten and baby rat, they probably would get along fine.
It might be easier to find such a blog than to start it. Please let us know how that goes.
Cats and rats get along fine under the same conditions as cats and dogs, but they both eat food that impacts the supply chain all the way back to endangered species. Cats have 20 times as much impact per pound, though, because they only digest flesh, and they also kill birds when they get a chance. All domestic animals make fine pets if you have the time and space for them, but only the carnivores and Llamas are easily house-trained.