While I get the difficulty with phone calls, for me, a lot of it still applies or even more so with messaging. I might not be good at non-verbal cues and all that stuff but you don't even get that with messaging. I suppose I have been trying (with limited success) the whole online dating thing for the last 18 months or so and that probably influences my answer. When you are trying to get to know someone, I like to get to phone conversations as quickly as possible as I think there is a bit of a limit to how well you can get to know someone without meeting or at least chatting on the phone.
Luckily for me I tend to ramble so, while not always the best, it fills in what might other be awkward silences.
AQ46, EQ9, FQ20, SQ50
RAADS-R: 181 (Language: 9, Social: 97, Sensory/Motor: 37, Interests: 36)
Aspie Quiz: AS129, NT80
Alexithymia: 137