Regarding preferring to drink milk meant for coffee/tea:
I like to suck the half-and-half out of those little creamers in restaurants. I never get coffee; coffee stinks. (And by suck, I mean I peel back the top to open it a crack and drink through that.)
I visited a friend for a week and she used half-and-half on her fruit. I loved that. She thought it was funny how much I like half-and-half, and she bought an extra container so I wouldn't run out.
When visiting relatives, my dad was going to Starbucks and asked people what they wanted. I ordered one heavy on the cream, hold the coffee. ...and my cup of cream was delicious.
The ladies held an event at church which included half-and-half as a creamer. Afterward, we were left with most of a carton of half-and-half. The other ladies were like, "What do we do with this? It's been opened." I was like, "...can I have it?" They said, "Sure, let Abbie drink it." ...and it was delicious.
Logical Sensory Extrovert (ESTj) . Enneagram 1-6-2
Protestant . Female . Asexual . self-diagnosed Aspie
I enjoy charts, knitting, gaming, and interacting with real but atypical people.