IIRC, they say most people don't remember anything from before five years old.
kraftiekortie wrote:
I remember taking a bath in the sink, and not feeling very good about it.
Me too. I remember liking the smell of J&J Tear-Free Baby Shampoo very much, but it seems that they've changed it over the years. It definitely was not tear-free, though.
I've heard that it's actually "tear" as in "to tear a sheet of paper", but I'm not sure that that's true. If that were the case, wouldn't it be called "tangle-free"?
SplendidSnail wrote:
I've got at least three memories that are definitely my own memories and definitely from younger than 3 years old, because we moved when I was 3 years old and they take place in the old house.
Same for me!
I have a few memories that I can't quite confirm, but I'm pretty sure I was already walking, so I don't think I have any infant memories.
I remember playing at the organ, and being amazed at the music it produced when I hit certain switches.
I remember running around the house, and someone who I assume was a relative handed me one of those big plastic candy-canes that are filled with candy.
I remember my high-chair. One time I was banging my head on the tray, and I knocked a molar out. Another time I was eating Play-Dough, and my mom had to pick it all out of my teeth.
I remember being sad that I didn't have anyone to play with, and I asked my mom for a brother. Not sure if she was already pregnant at that point or not. One time I was laying in bed with my parents, and I was trying to think back to the time from before I was born...it was really frustrating that I couldn't get my mind to go back that far, and all I could remember was this long darkness...kind of a dark reddish brown...maybe it was what I saw in the womb? It really astounds me that at that age, I would even consider that there was something before.
Playing in the leaves...I vaguely remember the neighbor girl who would visit sometimes. She may have been my first kiss, but I might have imagined that memory or been told about it. One time I was digging in the sandbox and I found a Hotwheels car. I remember watching my dad climb way up high in the tree, I can't remember why he did.
The one memory that has always stuck with me was my first nightmare, climbing the Stairway to Heaven. It was the night of April 20, 1986, so I was just barely two years old.
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...