Twilightprincess wrote:
What do you guys do when you’re angry about something that you can’t resolve - perhaps about something that happened in your past?
I’m struggling with that right now.
My husband remembers every hurt, cements it in stone, and recalls it like it was yesterday. I'm talking about stuff that happened when he was 7.
I guess, what are you getting out of the anger? My husband has a very black and white sense of right and wrong. So his anger is about s**t things people did to him.
He asked me why don't I feel angry about the past. My past has been a dumpater fire.
1. What good does it do? No one has figured out time travel to right the wrong.
2. The person (if something happened in elementary school), doesn't remember, and why do I want to hand over that much emotional energy to a ghost?
3. Wasting time on the past wrongs kills the here and now. We are only guaranteed right now, the moment. I want to live in the present and not rehash the past.
I'm reading a book, "How to Unf*ck Your Mind". I've gotten more put of this book than some therapists. I got the Kindle version on Amazon. Part of it deals with handling past traumas. I'm working on not rehashing the past and making it fresh. It's hard because that is my husband's default coping skill.