kraftiekortie wrote:
I happen to know of many females who happen to have classical "Aspergian" or "autistic" traits which are indistinguishable from males with "Aspergian" or "autistic" traits.
There is a theory floating around about a "female presentation" of Asperger's/autism where the "usual" traits are not exhibited, or are exhibited subtly enough to be missed by most diagnosticians.
I believe there is at least some plausibility to it. It is often stated that there is a 4:1 or 5:1 ratio of incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorders---in favor of males. However, no such ratio is evident on WrongPlanet. There might be slightly more men than women who are regular contributors to the Site--but the ratio is drastically reduced from 4:1. It seems more like 1.5:1, or perhaps even 1:1.
This would seem to indicate an underdiagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders for females.
Many more people than Penelope Trunk are speaking of this phenomenon; mostly, they seem more credible than her.
Yea', her presentation was terrible but I think the overarching point about the still underdiagnosed population is a good one. We've heard and talked about this for decades perhaps and haven't discussed other approaches. I don't think there are other approaches to take seriously but merely asking the question, as I haven't before and probably a lot of others, is a big step up from nothing.
Following my footsteps