ladyelaine wrote:
My classmates thought that I was weird when I was growing up. This girl in one of my classes in high school told me that she and some of the other girls thought I was weird.
I think most people think of me as weird these days. It shows in how they treat me. People tend to limit their interactions with me or they treat me like a child. Some people pretend not to know me. I never get beyond the acquaintance stage with anyone hardly ever.
in high school my LO would always tell me how people thought she and i were dating...but also how she'd overhear that i was a weird kid, that people felt "sorry for me", how i came across as a total odd low functioning sperg, and
"i don't think you're like that at all", she'd say. of course, i rarely heard that from the people whom were actually saying that about me. one thing to say it so someone's face, another to do it behind their back
she probably talked s**t about me too when i wasn't there. actually, now i'm certain of it..
but i relate to you. i don't talk to anyone in college, and people don't come up to me. i guess that's the best an alien like me can do. if people leave you alone, you're doing good enough.
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