questor wrote:
I agree with you. I am an Aspy, rather than I have Asperger's Syndrome. However, constantly getting into people's faces over this is being knit picky, and argumentative, and not productive. My suggestion for a less stressful life is to just let this go. When you pick a battle to fight, it should be worth the stress and effort that you must put into it. The difference between having and being on the spectrum is too subtle for many people, so again, I say just let this battle go.
Point taken, and yes I'm sure I come across as knit picky, and argumentative. Situation normal.
I argue the point as politely as I can, here I was venting/ranting. But when the discrimination becomes obvious to me I feel the need to call out for what it is. Diversity is normal, and I object when the NT world tells me directly or by inference that I need to be "cured". After 58 years of it (yes, I caught the same bs at home in childhood from my parents, professional educators btw) I've had enough. It's bloody difficult to find a comfortable space when the NT world insists that I should either be drugged, genetically modified, or institutionalized because they don't think I fit their definition of "normal". Closed-minded world.