JustFoundHere wrote:
Sometimes it's possible to glean useful insights from sleep-dreams. With the current events, such insights might prove helpful.
Any notable dreams to discuss can also be posted to this WP thread:
viewtopic.php?t=385906Since I last posted, I've experienced one-dream related to the current pandemic. I sense I've felt I've had bits & pieces of dreams - which I cannot remember which may be related to current events.
Enclosed is a description of dream:
There were about half a dozen of us meeting on top of a grassy hill with a few tress for what appeared to be a creative-writing meetup. We were all diligently practicing social-distancing.
I had sensed that I was experiencing this dream from both a third-person perspective - as well as my own active participation in this meetup.
The meetup was scheduled for two to three hours - yet it appeared we had spent the first hour or so of this meetup moving around several-times. Was this because many felt that sitting on the ground was uncomfortable- and that everybody was hoping to find comfortable spots to sit?
I'm hard-pressed to remember one-word our instructor, or anybody else had mentioned. No memories of anybody bringing supplies one would expect to bring to a creative-writing meetup. The main memory is of the sun, and light wind rustling the landscape.
Was this meetup an example of the (albeit) accidental experiences providing lessons just as important as the intended purpose of the meetup?