Well I tried to make this a sticky but it seems like I am spinning my wheels. I finally tracked down a Moderator. Apparently we are down to just a handful of moderators and most are on vacation. This is what I sent:
jimmy m wrote:
I started a thread a few days ago titled "Abbreviations". Others on the board recommended this thread become a sticky. I do not have the ability to do this. Someone suggested a forum moderator has that ability or can communicate with Alex and make that happen.
Since you are one of the forum moderators, could you make that happen?
Also is it possible to make a threat where the OP can make updates. Normally after about a day, anyone participating in the thread loses the ability to make corrections. But with this particular thread, if that restriction is removed, then I could post updates to the list of abbreviations.
Also it doesn't even have to be me. Someone such as Alex or one of the moderators can capture the List of Abbreviations from the thread and make updates themselves.
This is what I received back:
I'm sorry but we're understaffed, most of the mods are on vacation and we can't even make stickies any more.
As far as editing time goes, this is only Alex can do, we can't do much around here.