The inability to delude oneself
Yes, I can be very literal, and honest at times, and get into difficulties over it. Had problems at some of the jobs I worked. Did a lot of temping, including a little retail, a lot of office work, lots of light industrial/warehouse work. I tend to be slower at doing things than other people are, so I compensate by trying to work harder, and it does help some, which sometimes caused problems when I worked in factories. Sometimes I had coworkers who wanted to work slowly while the products came by on the conveyer belts, and there was slow me actually getting more done than they were, and complaining to the bosses that too much work was getting by me because the others weren't doing their share. I wasn't popular in factory jobs.
I also had problems with my mother. She would ask me my opinion on what she should do about something, and then do the exact opposite of what I told her. Eventually, I tried to tell her the opposite of what she should do, and she would either still do the wrong thing, or find another wrong thing to do. I finally stopped giving her my opinion, and would tell her to make up her own mind and do what she wanted. which just made her mad, but then she was usually mad at me, without needing a reason.
Why do people ask what other people think about something, if they aren't going to like the answer, and will only get mad at an honest answer?
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away.--Henry David Thoreau