For me I tend to avoid people and pursue a very solitary lifestyle but try to allow very select people in, and even to find people. In fact, I'd consider my ideal social situation to be a very tight "pack" of friends, which would be the best word to describe it, though I don't know how to go about assembling a "pack" (Quotes are used to make it less weird haha). This close circle includes my family. This is how our ancestors did it anyway, with the extended family involved, and studying prehistory gives you some cool life tips, things we've forgotten today in our massive social circles, painfully sedentary lifestyles, and social media pages with hundreds of barely acquainted friendships.
But to answer the question, yes, I am very asocial unfortunately. I avoid unnecessary conversation and I'm cold and avoidant of people, or I'm too friendly, I can't really control which. It turns a lot of people away or makes them aggressive, and I'm aware of this but still working on making myself more likeable.
My reason is simply for my own protection. I've been exploited numerous times, beat up a few times too because I'm simply unaware of anything related to cues and didn't see the aggression coming. I acknowledge that I have a difficulty/disability and like someone who is blind or someone who has depression or bipolar disorder I try to compensate by adjusting my lifestyle. The society I live in thankfully only recommends ways to behave, but does not force me, and I'm grateful or that.