firemonkey wrote:
Ooo, that's exactly what I was wondering/my theory.
I also saw a study where Mensa members reported much higher levels of anxiety, depression, etc. than the general population...that's what originally got me wondering if (1) high IQ "typicals" and high functioning autism/asperger's have a similar impact on the effort required for semi-successful social interactions and/or (2) high IQ aspies are going undiagnosed because its okay to be quirky if you are a rocket scientist and they compensate more anyway.
It would be interesting to do a study with high IQ autistic people vs. non-autistic people with similar IQs and see how self-reported social difficulties/masking, actual observed social performance, executive function, mental health, etc. compare and contrast. You'd need to assess all the "typicals" first though to catch any secret aspies, haha. And I'd like to see the breakdown by gender as well.
It would be hard to get enough people together to do a good study (although mensa and this forum would maybe help), but if there are any grad students out there who need a thesis idea, feel free to steal this! And if it would get me a free official autism assessment, "I volunteer as tribute!"
~AQ 32; not formally diagnosed.~