firemonkey wrote:
You obviously have more self confidence than me. Mine is in the toilet. Over 46 years I've had some sh***y psychiatrists so know they are not always to be trusted. I tend to go on the basis of innocent until they prove themselves guilty though.
My own research points to NVLD being a stronger fit than ASD,though I know it's possible to have both. They don't cover that. In fact the assessor when I mentioned it had never heard of it.
However I've heard it said that in the UK dyspraxia gets diagnosed when in the USA the same set of symptoms would get you a NVLD diagnosis.
NVLD (Non-Verbal Learning Disability)- a disorder characterized by a discrepancy between higher verbal skills and weaker motor, visual-spatial and social skills.I'm not used to UK/CAD differences in Dx. Could it be that NVLD was invented after ASD was lumped in with Autism? Maybe by way of getting rid of the label? And reinstating the "higher verbal" of Asperger's?
Does UK use the DSM-5? The current definition of Asperger's/Autism is so confused and vague that the doctors are still arguing and don't use it as the definition it should be. So I would ask you to have as much appreciation of the vulnerability of doctors as I do. It's not self-confidence.
I hope you're not looking to be labeled! Of course, I use the label to gain entrance to programs, if I need to. But there's no other reason to accept a label as a self-definition. It might be used as a take-off point, as in "If this label fits, then the following remedies will work."