The artificial smell of fake flowers. I'm just glad that I don't have to spend a lot of time in the Floral department at work or else I probably wouldn't last very long.
Ammonia. Good God is that smell nauseating. I feel like throwing up every time I catch a whiff.
Fish. Both the smell and the taste of it make me sick. Not quite as bad as ammonia, though.
This might be a personal thing, but I hate at work whenever a customer comes up to my register, either after I've asked how they're doing or before I can even get the words out, immediately stating "This is supposed to be on sale". I. It feels like they only care about what they think they can get out of me. And II. It makes me feel like a dumbass, like they don't think I'm competent enough to know what's on sale or not. Newsflash, I've been working at this place for over a year and a half now. I'm pretty sure that I have a good understanding of what's on sale and what isn't in any given week.
Surprise hugs. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy hugs every once in a while, but only when I'm the one initiating it, I'm expecting it, or if it's from someone close to me. Sneaking a hug on me when I'm not expecting it will just stress me out more.
Processed meats. I'm a pretty big time carnivore, but I cannot stand meats that have been overly processed like pepperoni or sandwich meat ham (though I loves me the Thanksgiving or Christmas ham we have for dinner).
As far as positive stimuli is concerned, I enjoy cats purring (especially my family's cat, Pepper, whenever I cuddle her close), holding my pet gerbil, Midnight (hopefully when she's not nippy), weighted blankets, ocean waves crashing on the shore, fruity and/or chocolatey smells, hot beverages in the winter (whether it be coffee, cocoa, tea, or hot cider), soundtrack music (especially if there's a dramatic choir), and I actually very strangely enough like the smell and flavor of garlic, just to name a few.