For me, I am hyper sensitive to sensory information and very high functioning, intense type of ASD person.
Which can be a hand full for some.
As i guess i am too sharp witted for some (although i don't mean to upset people by making them look silly, i do not do things out of nasty intentions generally, i am just playful. but you know, not everyone likes the playfulness or constant bombardment of information).
So, yup. I do not need stimulants when awake, apart from one decaf or weak coffee a day.
Otherwise i am wizz'ing as if i am on illegal drugs like crystal meth or something...
So if anything, i need my senses to be slowed down. Alcohol and other types of downers such as low dose occassional use tranq's can help with that.
Ironically i actually love music and make have made music in one shape or form over the years.
However, in order to get the best out of the listening and sometimes playing / recording experience.
Ocassional use of alcohol really helps.
I also find that I am able to handle busy areas if i am intoxicated with alcohol, around people.
Alcohol often makes people lose their inhibitions, so after a few drinks, you may find yourself relax enough
to not be so worried about the people around you and your senses may be blunted so that you may not
be as hypersensitive to the sounds, or should i say, your brain is slowed down so that it simply stops processing so much info and you can relax and enjoy the music.
Once i have had a few drinks, i can lose my inhibitions so much that i am comfortable around people in a pub or a club setting without feeling weird or stressed about being alone, which i do get when i am straight and alone.
So, worth a try. In terms of worrying about your own safety, perhaps you could experiment at home.
I personally recommend grey goose vodka, although be careful with the amounts, as its strong stuff.
Perhaps grey goose is also too expensive to start. The better quality stuff however tastes less alcoholic.
And can be mixed with loads of things, (vodka that is) such as fruit juice, sugar syrup, cola, you name it.
If you use a lot of soda with a shot or two vodka, it shouldn't get you too drunk (if you don't drink too many)
and will also taste fairly transparent. Especially the better quality stuff.
Although daily use of alcohol with antidepressants can stop the antidepressants working and thus, cause you to get depressed and then become dependent on alcohol. If you drink only once a week or a few times a month.
There shouldn't be too much problems.
I would drink a lot of water the next day, and if you feel like you have drunk too much or are too drunk
that you feel sick, then drink water when you are drunk, and perhaps even eat something such as chips or pizza
as food will soak up the alcohol and help stop your blood sugar levels from dropping.
The next day, if there is one. I recommend drinking lots of water, even if you feel ok.
As water is the most important drink on the planet.
Hope that advice helps.