Pandora wrote:
I did mensa tests that put me in the 99th percentile - not sure what that translates to in IQ points.
Well, I used to be a member of Mensa (I let my membership lapse some years ago, there did not seem a lot of point to it and there seemed to be very few other members in the area where I lived)
I too was put in the 99th percentile with a score of 168. (They explained that "99th percentile" means that your score would be higher than 99% of the population in general) . Now, while that sounds very high, I have to admit I am not sure exactly what these tests measure, as there could be many characteristics that contribute to our concept of what "intelligence" is.
My Mensa tests (there were two) took place quite a long time ago (I am probably older than a lot of people on WrongPlanet!). I dont even know whether Mensa still uses the same system. Also, I am not very knowlegible about different types of intelligence testing: could a person score very differently if assessed by different methods?