I first saw I was different when I was in preschool. We had "open" time and I always went off in the corner by myself because I found what the other kids did boring. When I got to Elementary school (probably around Grade 2) I could really tell something was 'off' because no other kids got their bike trashed for driving on the 'wrong' sidewalk, nobody else got shoved into the mud or slammed head first into the arena boards, and nobody else had their pants pulled down. I still to this day can't fathom why they were so cruel to me, a happy and generous child.
When I first went to kindergarten at age 4. The thinking and behavior of the other kids was just so weird.
That was my experience starting in about Grade 1. Other kids just kept doing really weird things like obsess over the latest toy, let teachers tell them what to think and do and just attack kids like me for absolutely no reason at all.
After all my medical records from my time as a small child reads like it was written by someone so full of hate like a lot of kids who are later diagnosed with autism.
When I was about 9, I went to a new paediatrician and to say he thought I was a-hole would be an understatement. It was surreal even at the time: I was a kid who was taunted and bullied mercilessly, hardly every spoke (except to correct the teacher) and avoided socializing and conflict at al costs yet was a 'difficult child' and a 'class clown'. It was almost as ridiculous as him calling my fussy eating 'attention seeking' when I literally avoided eating anything so nobody would find out. I wish I could find the report and publish it here as it is literally the complete opposite of me. Makes you wonder how someone so ignorant who doesn't understand and care about children can be a doctor specializing in children!